Graduate School

Linguistics (Twin Cities)

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Applications for Admission


Linguistics (Twin Cities)

show graph
Applications 46 27 44 30 25 38 40 40 46 45
  MA 23 50% 11 41% 22 50% 7 23% 9 36% 16 42% 17 43% 18 45% 21 46% 13 29%
  PhD 23 50% 16 59% 22 50% 23 77% 16 64% 22 58% 23 58% 22 55% 25 54% 32 71%
  Female 20 44% 15 56% 23 52% 11 37% 20 80% 17 45% 20 50% 24 60% 26 57% 25 56%
  Male 25 54% 12 44% 21 48% 19 63% 5 20% 21 55% 19 48% 15 38% 19 41% 20 44%
  International 24 52% 16 59% 24 55% 16 53% 13 52% 22 58% 19 48% 15 38% 28 61% 30 67%
  Minority 1 2% 0 0% 5 11% 2 7% 1 4% 3 8% 7 18% 7 18% 7 15% 3 7%

College of Liberal Arts

show graph
Applications 4,238 3,873 3,738 3,698 3,562 3,532 3,376 2,692 3,542 3,558
  cert/other 14 0% 11 0% 10 0% 22 1% 21 1% 23 1% 25 1% 16 1% 16 1% 14 0%
  Masters 1,691 40% 1,540 40% 1,469 39% 1,448 39% 1,336 38% 1,302 37% 1,086 32% 957 36% 1,010 29% 1,084 31%
  Doctoral 2,533 60% 2,322 60% 2,259 60% 2,228 60% 2,205 62% 2,207 63% 2,265 67% 1,719 64% 2,516 71% 2,460 69%
  Female 2,283 54% 2,084 54% 2,053 55% 2,092 57% 1,979 56% 2,015 57% 1,827 54% 1,544 57% 2,023 57% 2,046 58%
  Male 1,901 45% 1,753 45% 1,619 43% 1,533 42% 1,498 42% 1,456 41% 1,347 40% 991 37% 1,478 42% 1,444 41%
  International 1,449 34% 1,343 35% 1,337 36% 1,251 34% 1,256 35% 1,206 34% 1,225 36% 948 35% 1,352 38% 1,560 44%
  Minority 453 11% 464 12% 453 12% 483 13% 472 13% 533 15% 519 15% 502 19% 598 17% 559 16%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

show graph
Applications 21,286 20,132 20,070 20,223 19,280 19,120 19,448 19,559 19,507 19,867
  Female 10,258 48% 9,677 48% 9,696 48% 10,125 50% 9,767 51% 9,756 51% 9,577 49% 9,800 50% 9,838 50% 9,897 50%
  Male 10,872 51% 10,313 51% 10,158 51% 9,834 49% 9,236 48% 9,166 48% 8,942 46% 8,767 45% 9,449 48% 9,659 49%
  International 10,047 47% 9,377 47% 9,141 46% 8,939 44% 8,215 43% 8,229 43% 8,385 43% 8,119 42% 9,332 48% 9,770 49%
  Minority 2,211 10% 2,343 12% 2,582 13% 2,784 14% 2,847 15% 2,806 15% 3,075 16% 3,448 18% 3,134 16% 3,249 16%
  1. These tables show how many applications were received requesting admission for a given academic year, regardless of when the application was received.
  2. Applications are actually for an academic term; consecutive Summer, Fall, and Spring terms comprise an academic year (most applications are for Fall terms).
  3. Depending on the page you are viewing, you will see one or more of: data for an individual graduate program, followed by data for all programs in that program's college, followed by data for all U of M graduate programs.
  4. Data is from the University of Minnesota's Peoplesoft student information system, via the data warehouse (
  5. Most applications are processed by the Graduate Admissions office, but some programs will process their own applications, or use a national application service. Application data shown here for these other programs may be incomplete if, for example, only the admitted applications are entered into the Peoplesoft system rather than all applications.
  6. For each category (e.g. Masters), the percentage shown is the percentage of the total applications for the group.
  7. Gender is self-reported. Reporting gender is optional, so males+females may not equal the total.
  8. "International" means applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  9. "Minority" includes citizens and permanent residents of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Chicano/Latino, American Indian, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ethnicity.
  10. Ethnicity is self-reported.
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Admission Yield


Linguistics (Twin Cities)

Admits 10 22% 6 22% 7 16% 5 17% 5 20% 8 21% 7 18% 9 23% 11 24% 9 20%
  MA 6 26% 3 27% 4 18% 3 43% 4 44% 6 38% 6 35% 7 39% 8 38% 5 39%
  PhD 4 17% 3 19% 3 14% 2 9% 1 6% 2 9% 1 4% 2 9% 3 12% 4 13%
  Female 4 20% 4 27% 3 13% 3 27% 3 15% 4 24% 3 15% 6 25% 9 35% 4 16%
  Male 6 24% 2 17% 4 19% 2 11% 2 40% 4 19% 4 21% 3 20% 2 11% 5 25%
  International 4 17% 3 19% 3 13% 2 13% 3 23% 4 18% 4 21% 2 13% 2 7% 4 13%
  Minority 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 33% 2 29% 4 57% 5 71% 1 33%

College of Liberal Arts

Admits 788 19% 801 21% 806 22% 839 23% 829 23% 891 25% 861 26% 590 22% 772 22% 798 22%
  cert/other 11 79% 10 91% 10 100% 21 96% 19 91% 22 96% 24 96% 15 94% 16 100% 14 100%
  Masters 352 21% 359 23% 344 23% 387 27% 369 28% 407 31% 392 36% 323 34% 325 32% 369 34%
  Doctoral 425 17% 432 19% 452 20% 431 19% 441 20% 462 21% 445 20% 252 15% 431 17% 415 17%
  Female 440 19% 467 22% 494 24% 530 25% 501 25% 542 27% 518 28% 381 25% 479 24% 454 22%
  Male 343 18% 329 19% 308 19% 306 20% 315 21% 344 24% 307 23% 187 19% 290 20% 333 23%
  International 226 16% 223 17% 237 18% 224 18% 231 18% 279 23% 289 24% 199 21% 265 20% 311 20%
  Minority 97 21% 110 24% 115 25% 102 21% 142 30% 142 27% 157 30% 100 20% 181 30% 146 26%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

Admits 8,333 39% 8,548 43% 8,721 44% 8,791 44% 8,561 44% 8,672 45% 9,155 47% 9,190 47% 8,501 44% 8,839 45%
  Female 4,480 44% 4,665 48% 4,803 50% 4,897 48% 4,868 50% 4,883 50% 5,047 53% 5,163 53% 4,799 49% 4,766 48%
  Male 3,817 35% 3,836 37% 3,859 38% 3,831 39% 3,628 39% 3,709 41% 3,812 43% 3,715 42% 3,635 39% 3,971 41%
  International 2,335 23% 2,512 27% 2,515 28% 2,502 28% 2,384 29% 2,572 31% 2,728 33% 2,860 35% 2,829 30% 3,252 33%
  Minority 1,078 49% 1,231 53% 1,397 54% 1,481 53% 1,551 55% 1,520 54% 1,760 57% 1,891 55% 1,790 57% 1,768 54%
  1. These tables show how many applications were offered admission for a given academic year.
  2. Admission is actually by academic term; consecutive Summer, Fall, and Spring terms comprise an academic year.
  3. Data is from the University of Minnesota's Peoplesoft student information system, via the data warehouse (
  4. Most applications are processed by the Graduate Admissions office, but some programs will process their own applications, or use a national application service. Application data shown here for these other programs may be incomplete if, for example, only the admitted applications are entered into the Peoplesoft system rather than all applications.
  5. For each category (e.g. Masters), the percentage shown is the percentage of the applications for that category that were offered admission, or the "yield."
  6. Gender is self-reported. Reporting gender is optional, so males+females may not equal the total.
  7. "International" means applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  8. "Minority" includes citizens and permanent residents of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Chicano/Latino, American Indian, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ethnicity.
  9. Ethnicity is self-reported.
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Admit Pool Characteristics


Linguistics (Twin Cities)

Admits 10 6 7 5 5 8 7 9 11 9
  MA 6 60% 3 50% 4 57% 3 60% 4 80% 6 75% 6 86% 7 78% 8 73% 5 56%
  PhD 4 40% 3 50% 3 43% 2 40% 1 20% 2 25% 1 14% 2 22% 3 27% 4 44%
  Female 4 40% 4 67% 3 43% 3 60% 3 60% 4 50% 3 43% 6 67% 9 82% 4 44%
  Male 6 60% 2 33% 4 57% 2 40% 2 40% 4 50% 4 57% 3 33% 2 18% 5 56%
  International 4 40% 3 50% 3 43% 2 40% 3 60% 4 50% 4 57% 2 22% 2 18% 4 44%
  Minority 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 13% 2 29% 4 44% 5 46% 1 11%

College of Liberal Arts

Admits 788 801 806 839 829 891 861 590 772 798
  cert/other 11 1% 10 1% 10 1% 21 3% 19 2% 22 3% 24 3% 15 3% 16 2% 14 2%
  Masters 352 45% 359 45% 344 43% 387 46% 369 45% 407 46% 392 46% 323 55% 325 42% 369 46%
  Doctoral 425 54% 432 54% 452 56% 431 51% 441 53% 462 52% 445 52% 252 43% 431 56% 415 52%
  Female 440 56% 467 58% 494 61% 530 63% 501 60% 542 61% 518 60% 381 65% 479 62% 454 57%
  Male 343 44% 329 41% 308 38% 306 37% 315 38% 344 39% 307 36% 187 32% 290 38% 333 42%
  International 226 29% 223 28% 237 29% 224 27% 231 28% 279 31% 289 34% 199 34% 265 34% 311 39%
  Minority 97 12% 110 14% 115 14% 102 12% 142 17% 142 16% 157 18% 100 17% 181 23% 146 18%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

Admits 8,333 8,548 8,721 8,791 8,561 8,672 9,155 9,190 8,501 8,839
  Female 4,480 54% 4,665 55% 4,803 55% 4,897 56% 4,868 57% 4,883 56% 5,047 55% 5,163 56% 4,799 57% 4,766 54%
  Male 3,817 46% 3,836 45% 3,859 44% 3,831 44% 3,628 42% 3,709 43% 3,812 42% 3,715 40% 3,635 43% 3,971 45%
  International 2,335 28% 2,512 29% 2,515 29% 2,502 29% 2,384 28% 2,572 30% 2,728 30% 2,860 31% 2,829 33% 3,252 37%
  Minority 1,078 13% 1,231 14% 1,397 16% 1,481 17% 1,551 18% 1,520 18% 1,760 19% 1,891 21% 1,790 21% 1,768 20%
  1. These tables show how many offers of admission were made for a given academic year, and the makeup of the admit pool.
  2. Data is from the University of Minnesota's Peoplesoft student information system, via the data warehouse (
  3. Most applications are processed by the Graduate Admissions office, but some programs will process their own applications, or use a national application service. Application data shown here for these other programs may be incomplete if, for example, only the admitted applications are entered into the Peoplesoft system rather than all applications.
  4. For each category (e.g. Masters), the percentage shown is the percentage of the total admits for the entire group.
  5. Gender is self-reported. Reporting gender is optional, so males+females may not equal the total.
  6. "International" means applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  7. "Minority" includes citizens and permanent residents of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Chicano/Latino, American Indian, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ethnicity.
  8. Ethnicity is self-reported.
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Matriculation (New Registrant) Yield


Linguistics (Twin Cities)

Matriculations 3 30% 2 33% 3 43% 3 60% 3 60% 6 75% 6 86% 4 44% 8 73% 4 44%
  MA 1 17% 2 67% 1 25% 2 67% 3 75% 6 100% 5 83% 3 43% 7 88% 1 20%
  PhD 2 50% 0 0% 2 67% 1 50% 0 0% 0 0% 1 100% 1 50% 1 33% 3 75%
  Female 2 50% 1 25% 2 67% 3 100% 1 33% 3 75% 3 100% 2 33% 6 67% 1 25%
  Male 1 17% 1 50% 1 25% 0 0% 2 100% 3 75% 3 75% 2 67% 2 100% 3 60%
  International 2 50% 0 0% 1 33% 1 50% 1 33% 2 50% 3 75% 0 0% 1 50% 1 25%
  Minority 0 0 0 0 0 1 100% 2 100% 2 50% 3 60% 1 100%

College of Liberal Arts

Matriculations 429 54% 391 49% 411 51% 446 53% 401 48% 432 49% 356 41% 253 43% 358 46% 391 49%
  cert/other 10 91% 9 90% 10 100% 20 95% 17 90% 17 77% 17 71% 11 73% 13 81% 13 93%
  Masters 190 54% 185 52% 177 52% 207 54% 199 54% 197 48% 157 40% 135 42% 159 49% 183 50%
  Doctoral 229 54% 197 46% 224 50% 219 51% 185 42% 218 47% 182 41% 107 43% 186 43% 195 47%
  Female 234 53% 231 50% 254 51% 287 54% 233 47% 264 49% 208 40% 167 44% 218 46% 234 52%
  Male 195 57% 159 48% 157 51% 159 52% 164 52% 167 49% 145 47% 84 45% 138 48% 151 45%
  International 113 50% 90 40% 105 44% 105 47% 97 42% 124 44% 93 32% 75 38% 115 43% 130 42%
  Minority 54 56% 52 47% 68 59% 49 48% 68 48% 77 54% 81 52% 45 45% 76 42% 71 49%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

Matriculations 4,952 59% 4,983 58% 5,044 58% 5,055 58% 4,777 56% 4,791 55% 4,685 51% 4,735 52% 4,302 51% 4,533 51%
  Female 2,735 61% 2,792 60% 2,834 59% 2,884 59% 2,762 57% 2,767 57% 2,737 54% 2,746 53% 2,522 53% 2,623 55%
  Male 2,209 58% 2,169 57% 2,186 57% 2,155 56% 1,998 55% 2,008 54% 1,846 48% 1,859 50% 1,763 49% 1,874 47%
  International 981 42% 1,048 42% 1,098 44% 1,079 43% 991 42% 1,066 41% 807 30% 1,138 40% 1,062 38% 1,219 38%
  Minority 700 65% 802 65% 830 59% 849 57% 887 57% 886 58% 973 55% 976 52% 917 51% 968 55%
  1. These tables show how many students matriculated (enrolled for the term for which they were admitted) for a given academic year.
  2. Data is from the University of Minnesota's Peoplesoft student information system, via the data warehouse (
  3. Most applications are processed by the Graduate Admissions office, but some programs will process their own applications, or use a national application service. Application data shown here for these other programs may be incomplete if, for example, only the admitted applications are entered into the Peoplesoft system rather than all applications.
  4. For each category (e.g. Masters), the percentage shown is the percentage of the admits for the category that matriculated, or the "yield."
  5. Gender is self-reported. Reporting gender is optional, so males+females may not equal the total.
  6. "International" means students who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  7. "Minority" includes citizens and permanent residents of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Chicano/Latino, American Indian, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ethnicity.
  8. Ethnicity is self-reported.
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Matriculation Pool Characteristics


Linguistics (Twin Cities)

Matriculations 3 2 3 3 3 6 6 4 8 4
  MA 1 33% 2 100% 1 33% 2 67% 3 100% 6 100% 5 83% 3 75% 7 88% 1 25%
  PhD 2 67% 0 0% 2 67% 1 33% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 1 25% 1 13% 3 75%
  Female 2 67% 1 50% 2 67% 3 100% 1 33% 3 50% 3 50% 2 50% 6 75% 1 25%
  Male 1 33% 1 50% 1 33% 0 0% 2 67% 3 50% 3 50% 2 50% 2 25% 3 75%
  International 2 67% 0 0% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 2 33% 3 50% 0 0% 1 13% 1 25%
  Minority 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 2 33% 2 50% 3 38% 1 25%

College of Liberal Arts

Matriculations 429 391 411 446 401 432 356 253 358 391
  cert/other 10 2% 9 2% 10 2% 20 5% 17 4% 17 4% 17 5% 11 4% 13 4% 13 3%
  Masters 190 44% 185 47% 177 43% 207 46% 199 50% 197 46% 157 44% 135 53% 159 44% 183 47%
  Doctoral 229 53% 197 50% 224 55% 219 49% 185 46% 218 51% 182 51% 107 42% 186 52% 195 50%
  Female 234 55% 231 59% 254 62% 287 64% 233 58% 264 61% 208 58% 167 66% 218 61% 234 60%
  Male 195 46% 159 41% 157 38% 159 36% 164 41% 167 39% 145 41% 84 33% 138 39% 151 39%
  International 113 26% 90 23% 105 26% 105 24% 97 24% 124 29% 93 26% 75 30% 115 32% 130 33%
  Minority 54 13% 52 13% 68 17% 49 11% 68 17% 77 18% 81 23% 45 18% 76 21% 71 18%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

Matriculations 4,952 4,983 5,044 5,055 4,777 4,791 4,685 4,735 4,302 4,533
  Female 2,735 55% 2,792 56% 2,834 56% 2,884 57% 2,762 58% 2,767 58% 2,737 58% 2,746 58% 2,522 59% 2,623 58%
  Male 2,209 45% 2,169 44% 2,186 43% 2,155 43% 1,998 42% 2,008 42% 1,846 39% 1,859 39% 1,763 41% 1,874 41%
  International 981 20% 1,048 21% 1,098 22% 1,079 21% 991 21% 1,066 22% 807 17% 1,138 24% 1,062 25% 1,219 27%
  Minority 700 14% 802 16% 830 17% 849 17% 887 19% 886 19% 973 21% 976 21% 917 21% 968 21%
  1. These tables show how many students matriculated (enrolled for the term for which they were admitted) for a given academic year, and the makeup of the matriculation pool.
  2. For each category (e.g. Masters), the percentage shown is the percentage of the total matriculations for the entire group.
  3. Gender is self-reported. Reporting gender is optional, so males+females may not equal the total.
  4. "International" means students who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  5. "Minority" includes citizens and permanent residents of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Chicano/Latino, American Indian, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ethnicity.
  6. Ethnicity is self-reported.
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GRE Score Distribution, Admitted Students

Linguistics (Twin Cities)

Verbal-old [N:Avg] 1 650 1 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 430 0
  200-490 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100% 0
  500-590 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
  600-690 1 100% 1 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
  700-770 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
  780-800 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
Verbal-rev [N:Avg] 10 158 6 158 7 157 5 155 5 157 7 159 4 157 2 165 0 0
  130-150 2 20% 0 0% 2 29% 1 20% 1 20% 2 29% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0
  151-155 1 10% 2 33% 1 14% 2 40% 0 0% 0 0% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0
  156-160 1 10% 2 33% 1 14% 1 20% 2 40% 1 14% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0
  161-165 4 40% 2 33% 1 14% 1 20% 2 40% 2 29% 1 25% 1 50% 0 0
  166-170 2 20% 0 0% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 2 29% 1 25% 1 50% 0 0
Quant-old [N:Avg] 1 710 1 790 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 350 0
  200-490 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100% 0
  500-590 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
  600-690 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
  700-770 1 100% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
  780-800 0 0% 1 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
Quant-rev [N:Avg] 10 157 6 161 7 156 5 149 5 154 7 156 4 157 2 153 0 0
  130-150 1 10% 0 0% 1 14% 2 40% 2 40% 1 14% 1 25% 1 50% 0 0
  151-155 4 40% 2 33% 0 0% 1 20% 0 0% 2 29% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0
  156-160 3 30% 1 17% 5 71% 2 40% 2 40% 4 57% 0 0% 1 50% 0 0
  161-165 1 10% 1 17% 1 14% 0 0% 1 20% 0 0% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0
  166-170 1 10% 2 33% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0
Analy Writ [N:Avg] 10 4.1 6 3.9 7 4.1 5 4.3 5 4.4 7 4.4 4 4.0 2 4.8 1 4.5 0
  0.0-3.0 2 20% 0 0% 1 14% 1 20% 0 0% 0 0% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0% 0
  3.5-3.5 1 10% 2 33% 1 14% 0 0% 2 40% 2 29% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
  4.0-4.0 4 40% 3 50% 3 43% 1 20% 1 20% 2 29% 2 50% 1 50% 0 0% 0
  4.5-5.0 2 20% 1 17% 1 14% 3 60% 1 20% 1 14% 1 25% 0 0% 1 100% 0
  5.5-6.0 1 10% 0 0% 1 14% 0 0% 1 20% 2 29% 0 0% 1 50% 0 0% 0

College of Liberal Arts

Verbal-old [N:Avg] 95 591 56 613 18 544 10 522 8 568 7 517 3 647 1 430 3 453 6 487
  200-490 14 15% 7 13% 7 39% 5 50% 1 13% 3 43% 0 0% 1 100% 2 67% 5 83%
  500-590 33 35% 13 23% 3 17% 3 30% 5 63% 3 43% 1 33% 0 0% 1 33% 0 0%
  600-690 34 36% 27 48% 7 39% 2 20% 2 25% 0 0% 2 67% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17%
  700-770 13 14% 8 14% 1 6% 0 0% 0 0% 1 14% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
  780-800 1 1% 1 2% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Verbal-rev [N:Avg] 564 159 571 160 584 159 605 159 582 160 627 158 562 158 168 158 181 159 131 160
  130-150 45 8% 41 7% 63 11% 60 10% 40 7% 65 10% 63 11% 21 13% 15 8% 10 8%
  151-155 110 20% 103 18% 118 20% 119 20% 107 18% 146 23% 139 25% 40 24% 31 17% 20 15%
  156-160 150 27% 146 26% 165 28% 157 26% 170 29% 158 25% 143 25% 40 24% 52 29% 35 27%
  161-165 167 30% 175 31% 139 24% 157 26% 164 28% 168 27% 134 24% 47 28% 52 29% 33 25%
  166-170 92 16% 106 19% 99 17% 112 19% 101 17% 90 14% 83 15% 20 12% 31 17% 33 25%
Quant-old [N:Avg] 95 683 56 682 18 604 10 585 8 624 7 591 3 657 1 510 3 493 6 580
  200-490 6 6% 3 5% 4 22% 2 20% 2 25% 1 14% 0 0% 0 0% 1 33% 2 33%
  500-590 17 18% 10 18% 4 22% 4 40% 1 13% 3 43% 1 33% 1 100% 1 33% 2 33%
  600-690 20 21% 14 25% 5 28% 3 30% 3 38% 1 14% 1 33% 0 0% 1 33% 0 0%
  700-770 24 25% 17 30% 4 22% 1 10% 0 0% 2 29% 1 33% 0 0% 0 0% 2 33%
  780-800 28 30% 12 21% 1 6% 0 0% 2 25% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Quant-rev [N:Avg] 564 158 571 158 584 157 605 158 582 158 627 158 562 159 168 161 181 162 131 164
  130-150 121 22% 105 18% 140 24% 137 23% 123 21% 143 23% 129 23% 32 19% 22 12% 8 6%
  151-155 114 20% 130 23% 118 20% 129 21% 119 20% 124 20% 104 19% 14 8% 22 12% 7 5%
  156-160 96 17% 114 20% 103 18% 101 17% 90 16% 111 18% 79 14% 22 13% 22 12% 17 13%
  161-165 95 17% 89 16% 82 14% 71 12% 71 12% 72 12% 61 11% 30 18% 25 14% 19 15%
  166-170 138 25% 133 23% 141 24% 167 28% 179 31% 177 28% 189 34% 70 42% 90 50% 80 61%
Analy Writ [N:Avg] 578 4.3 572 4.3 588 4.3 606 4.3 583 4.4 629 4.3 563 4.3 168 4.2 184 4.4 136 4.3
  0.0-3.0 68 12% 63 11% 56 10% 62 10% 40 7% 69 11% 61 11% 26 16% 15 8% 18 13%
  3.5-3.5 69 12% 68 12% 82 14% 60 10% 65 11% 70 11% 76 14% 21 13% 29 16% 12 9%
  4.0-4.0 146 25% 140 25% 161 27% 158 26% 161 28% 173 28% 147 26% 45 27% 40 22% 39 29%
  4.5-5.0 236 41% 251 44% 219 37% 258 43% 262 45% 249 40% 224 40% 63 38% 77 42% 50 37%
  5.5-6.0 59 10% 50 9% 70 12% 68 11% 55 9% 68 11% 55 10% 13 8% 23 13% 17 13%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

Verbal-old [N:Avg] 591 550 345 557 212 529 161 543 106 514 91 538 81 514 71 530 42 493 37 494
  200-490 178 30% 99 29% 79 37% 51 32% 42 40% 29 32% 37 46% 29 41% 20 48% 19 51%
  500-590 199 34% 101 29% 68 32% 63 39% 41 39% 34 37% 20 25% 17 24% 16 38% 12 32%
  600-690 158 27% 110 32% 55 26% 38 24% 18 17% 23 25% 18 22% 21 30% 6 14% 6 16%
  700-770 53 9% 33 10% 10 5% 8 5% 5 5% 5 6% 6 7% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0%
  780-800 3 1% 2 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0%
Verbal-rev [N:Avg] 3,939 156 4,035 156 4,167 156 4,217 156 4,108 156 4,146 156 4,013 156 1,959 155 1,359 156 1,014 156
  130-150 874 22% 848 21% 936 23% 843 20% 801 20% 833 20% 845 21% 469 24% 299 22% 212 21%
  151-155 1,014 26% 1,052 26% 1,118 27% 1,121 27% 1,075 26% 1,140 28% 1,125 28% 591 30% 350 26% 291 29%
  156-160 962 24% 1,007 25% 1,030 25% 1,096 26% 1,101 27% 1,085 26% 1,050 26% 466 24% 372 27% 255 25%
  161-165 748 19% 775 19% 731 18% 760 18% 793 19% 773 19% 675 17% 306 16% 242 18% 176 17%
  166-170 341 9% 353 9% 352 8% 397 9% 338 8% 315 8% 318 8% 127 7% 96 7% 80 8%
Quant-old [N:Avg] 591 681 345 667 212 637 161 639 106 620 91 630 81 603 71 629 42 626 37 597
  200-490 53 9% 37 11% 32 15% 18 11% 16 15% 13 14% 17 21% 8 11% 5 12% 7 19%
  500-590 81 14% 49 14% 31 15% 34 21% 24 23% 19 21% 18 22% 18 25% 11 26% 11 30%
  600-690 128 22% 90 26% 67 32% 57 35% 30 28% 27 30% 22 27% 25 35% 12 29% 10 27%
  700-770 160 27% 90 26% 49 23% 27 17% 23 22% 26 29% 16 20% 15 21% 14 33% 7 19%
  780-800 169 29% 79 23% 33 16% 25 16% 13 12% 6 7% 8 10% 5 7% 0 0% 2 5%
Quant-rev [N:Avg] 3,939 159 4,035 160 4,167 159 4,217 159 4,108 160 4,146 160 4,013 160 1,959 161 1,359 161 1,014 162
  130-150 614 16% 593 15% 662 16% 650 15% 624 15% 622 15% 630 16% 248 13% 151 11% 82 8%
  151-155 640 16% 675 17% 662 16% 678 16% 628 15% 648 16% 605 15% 229 12% 175 13% 95 9%
  156-160 765 19% 735 18% 802 19% 789 19% 748 18% 743 18% 683 17% 342 18% 215 16% 151 15%
  161-165 880 22% 862 21% 889 21% 869 21% 792 19% 780 19% 702 18% 427 22% 274 20% 237 23%
  166-170 1,040 26% 1,170 29% 1,152 28% 1,231 29% 1,316 32% 1,353 33% 1,393 35% 713 36% 544 40% 449 44%
Analy Writ [N:Avg] 4,136 4.0 4,162 4.0 4,257 4.0 4,287 4.0 4,167 4.0 4,192 4.0 4,062 4.0 2,001 3.9 1,392 4.0 1,040 3.9
  0.0-3.0 875 21% 937 23% 920 22% 750 18% 701 17% 720 17% 771 19% 415 21% 263 19% 225 22%
  3.5-3.5 710 17% 657 16% 750 18% 689 16% 743 18% 750 18% 704 17% 395 20% 272 20% 218 21%
  4.0-4.0 1,119 27% 1,091 26% 1,134 27% 1,314 31% 1,223 29% 1,197 29% 1,173 29% 544 27% 396 28% 319 31%
  4.5-5.0 1,212 29% 1,292 31% 1,236 29% 1,307 31% 1,304 31% 1,287 31% 1,194 29% 544 27% 377 27% 230 22%
  5.5-6.0 220 5% 185 4% 217 5% 227 5% 196 5% 238 6% 220 5% 103 5% 84 6% 48 5%
  1. These tables show how many admitted students ("N") took each GRE exam, and their average score ("Avg"), followed by the score distribution.
  2. Not all graduate programs require GRE exams for admittance.
  3. If an applicant took the same exam more than once, and reported all scores to the U of M, the highest score is used.
  4. "Verbal-old" and "Quant-old" are the old versions of the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning tests, with score range 200-800.
  5. "Verbal-rev" and "Quant-rev" are the revised (August 2011) versions of the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning tests, with score range 130-170.
  6. "Analy Writ" is the Analytical Writing test, with score range 0.0 to 6.0.
jump to: applications | admission yield | admit pool | matriculation yield | matriculation pool | gre scores | previous institutions

Location of Institution of Previous Degree, Matriculated Students

Linguistics (Twin Cities)

Matriculations 3 2 3 3 3 6 6 4 8 4
  UofM, Twin Cities 0 0% 0 0% 1 33% 0 0% 1 33% 2 33% 3 50% 3 75% 1 13% 1 25%
  Other UM campus 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
  Other MN inst 0 0% 1 50% 0 0% 1 33% 1 33% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 13% 1 25%
  WI,ND,SD,IA,NE 0 0% 1 50% 0 0% 1 33% 0 0% 2 33% 0 0% 0 0% 3 38% 0 0%
  Other US inst 2 67% 0 0% 1 33% 0 0% 0 0% 2 33% 0 0% 1 25% 2 25% 1 25%
  Foreign inst 1 33% 0 0% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 0 0% 2 33% 0 0% 1 13% 0 0%
  no data 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 0 0% 0 0% 1 25%

College of Liberal Arts

Matriculations 429 391 411 446 401 432 356 253 358 391
  UofM, Twin Cities 63 15% 44 11% 56 14% 74 17% 60 15% 88 20% 53 15% 58 23% 47 13% 52 13%
  Other UM campus 2 1% 7 2% 4 1% 9 2% 5 1% 8 2% 5 1% 4 2% 7 2% 6 2%
  Other MN inst 55 13% 51 13% 50 12% 62 14% 46 12% 43 10% 35 10% 30 12% 38 11% 26 7%
  WI,ND,SD,IA,NE 49 11% 45 12% 49 12% 56 13% 53 13% 42 10% 43 12% 26 10% 37 10% 38 10%
  Other US inst 172 40% 153 39% 171 42% 161 36% 161 40% 160 37% 155 44% 84 33% 137 38% 103 26%
  Foreign inst 85 20% 80 21% 73 18% 79 18% 72 18% 84 19% 51 14% 44 17% 77 22% 18 5%
  no data 3 1% 11 3% 8 2% 5 1% 4 1% 7 2% 14 4% 7 3% 15 4% 148 38%

All University of Minnesota graduate programs

Matriculations 4,952 4,983 5,044 5,055 4,777 4,791 4,685 4,735 4,302 4,533
  UofM, Twin Cities 861 17% 891 18% 896 18% 907 18% 841 18% 913 19% 888 19% 925 20% 699 16% 613 14%
  Other UM campus 147 3% 150 3% 159 3% 159 3% 159 3% 151 3% 157 3% 153 3% 127 3% 121 3%
  Other MN inst 653 13% 680 14% 677 13% 697 14% 581 12% 573 12% 603 13% 541 11% 460 11% 396 9%
  WI,ND,SD,IA,NE 484 10% 455 9% 512 10% 481 10% 471 10% 461 10% 428 9% 424 9% 338 8% 308 7%
  Other US inst 953 19% 962 19% 912 18% 1,004 20% 953 20% 947 20% 990 21% 810 17% 795 19% 688 15%
  Foreign inst 728 15% 745 15% 789 16% 761 15% 745 16% 693 15% 413 9% 650 14% 530 12% 209 5%
  no data 1,126 23% 1,100 22% 1,099 22% 1,046 21% 1,027 22% 1,053 22% 1,206 26% 1,232 26% 1,353 32% 2,198 49%
  1. These tables show, for matriculated students, the location of the institution from which they received their most recent previous degree (typically their bachelor's degree).
  2. For each region, the percentage shown is the percentage of the total matriculants whose institution of previous degree is located in this region.
  3. These data may not be available for programs whose applications are not processed by the Graduate Admissions office.

admissions | enrollment | progress | degrees | faculty