Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

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Psychological Science (Duluth)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
Blanchar,John Carrolltenure trackDULUTHshow
Boyson PhD,Aaron RoberttenuredDULUTHshow
Carlson,Scott RoberttenuredDULUTHshow
Dauner,Kim NicholstenuredDULUTHshow
Dowell PhD,KathytenuredDULUTHshow
Downs,Edward PaultenuredDULUTHshow
Goei,Ryan ChristophertenuredDULUTHshow
Haglin,Kathryn MarietenuredDULUTHshow
Hanson,Jessica DanielletenuredDULUTHshow
Harms,Madeline Besstenure trackDULUTHshow
Hessler,Eric EdwardtenuredDULUTHshow
LaCaille,Rick AtenuredDULUTHshow
Lassonde,Karla A  show
Lloyd,Robert LeetenuredDULUTHshow
Mann,Kyle Jtenure trackDULUTHshow
Reich,Catherine Marie 1tenuredDULUTHshow
Schilling-Louzek,Christine Ann DULUTHshow
Schroer,Robert WardtenuredDULUTHshow
Slowiak PhD,Julie MtenuredDULUTHshow
Stenson,Mary Christinatenure trackDULUTHshow
Thompson,Ashley ElizabethtenuredDULUTHshow
Versnik Nowak PhD,Amy LtenuredDULUTHshow
Wendinger,Michael J DULUTHshow
Young,Keith M DULUTHshow
1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.