Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.

Teaching and Learning (Duluth)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
Brice,Lynn M DULUTHshow
Diener EdD,Nancy McFarlin DULUTHshow
Ernst,Julie AnntenuredDULUTHshow
Frisch,Jennifer Kreps 1tenuredDULUTHshow
Guldbrandsen,Frank A DULUTHshow
Kitts,Hope Andromedatenure trackDULUTHshow
McCleary,Jennifer SimmelinktenuredDULUTHshow
Mongan-Rallis,Helen DULUTHshow
Onchwari,Ariri JackietenuredDULUTHshow
Pfau,Michael WilliamtenuredDULUTHshow
Pinkney Pastrana,Jill AndreatenuredDULUTHshow
Rick,Charles O DULUTHshow
Strand,Joyce DULUTHshow
Webster,Rebecca MarietenuredDULUTHshow
Young,Michaeltenure trackDULUTHshow
1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.