Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.

Music (Duluth)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
Chen-Edmund,Jian-Jun DULUTHshow
Edmund,David CharlestenuredDULUTHshow
Eichman,Henry David DULUTHshow
Frane,Ryan JtenuredDULUTHshow
Gudmundson,Paula MarietenuredDULUTHshow
Inselman,Rachel LauratenuredDULUTHshow
Linski,Brett Duane DULUTHshow
Perrault,Jean RtenuredDULUTHshow
Pfotenhauer,Thomas RtenuredDULUTHshow
Pierce,Alice O. DULUTHshow
Pospisil,James A DULUTHshow
Robbins,Richard W.tenure trackDULUTHshow
Rubin,Justin HenrytenuredDULUTHshow
Schoen,Theodore AtenuredDULUTHshow
Shapiro,Diana DULUTHshow
Whitlock,Mark EugenetenuredDULUTHshow

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.