Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.

Integrated Biosciences (All-University)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
al'Absi,Mustafa NtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Anderson,Grant WesleytenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Ankley,Gerald Thomas  show
Beilman,Gregory JosephtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Berry,Steven MarktenuredDULUTHshow
Brady,Valerie J. DULUTHshow
Branstrator,Donn KtenuredDULUTHshow
Busta,Luketenure trackDULUTHshow
Carlson,Robert M DULUTHshow
Carter,Clay JtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Clark,Mark EdwardtenuredDULUTHshow
Clarke,Benjamin LtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Cormier,Robert TtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Craig,Timothy PaultenuredDULUTHshow
Drewes,Lester RtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Dymond,Salli Ftenure trackDULUTHshow
Etterson,Julie R.tenuredDULUTHshow
Etterson,Matthew A DULUTHshow
Fernandez-Funez,Pedro TWIN CITIESshow
Fitzakerley,Janet Lyn TWIN CITIESshow
Grinde,Alexis R DULUTHshow
Gross,Briana LtenuredDULUTHshow
Grusz,Amanda LeetenuredDULUTHshow
Haines,Dustin Frank DULUTHshow
Hampton,Marshall EtenuredDULUTHshow
Heck,Detlef HeinztenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Hicks,Randall E DULUTHshow
Hoffman,Joel C  show
Holy,Jon Michael TWIN CITIESshow
Hrabik,Thomas RtenuredDULUTHshow
Johnson,Joseph L.tenuredDULUTHshow
Johnson,Lucinda B DULUTHshow
Joyce,Michael James DULUTHshow
Kim,Nam Chultenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Klein,Amanda Helentenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
LaLone,Carlie Ann TWIN CITIESshow
Liang,Jennifer O.tenuredDULUTHshow
Lusczek,Elizabeth R TWIN CITIESshow
Mereddy,Venkatram RtenuredDULUTHshow
Niemi,Gerald John DULUTHshow
Pastor,John Joseph DULUTHshow
Regal,Jean FrancestenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Rose-Hellekant,TeresatenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Roy PhD,Charlotte  show
Rumbley,Jon Ntenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Sander,Guy Wtenure trackDULUTHshow
Sass,Gregory G  show
Savage,Jessica AtenuredDULUTHshow
Schoff,Patrick K DULUTHshow
Scott,Patricia Margaret TWIN CITIESshow
Scroggins,Sabrina Marietenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Shaw,Clara Louisetenure trackDULUTHshow
Sheik,Cody SpringertenuredDULUTHshow
Sieber,Jessica Rtenure trackDULUTHshow
Singsaas,Eric Lawrence DULUTHshow
Skildum,Andrew John TWIN CITIESshow
Slattery,Matthew GtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Sterner,Robert Warner DULUTHshow
Strasburg,Jared Ltenure trackDULUTHshow
Yang,Yi-Mei (Amy)tenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Zimmer PhD,Sara Lana 1tenuredTWIN CITIESshow
1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.