Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.

Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences (Twin Cities)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
Apfelbach,Christopher Seantenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Covington,Natalie V.tenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Ebert,Kerry 1tenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Finestack,Lizbeth H.tenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Kurth,Michael Frank TWIN CITIESshow
McGrattan,Katlyn Elizabethtenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Munson,BenjamintenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Nelson,Peggy BtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Polonenko,Melissa Janetenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Sasisekaran,JayanthitenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Winn,Matthew BrandontenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Zhang,YangtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.