Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.

Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Comm (Twin Cities)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
Breuch,Lee-Ann KastmantenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Bruch,PatricktenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Card,Dantenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Duin,Ann Hill TWIN CITIESshow
Fiscus-Cannaday,Jaclyn Marietenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Graff,Richard JtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Greene,Ronald WaltertenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Gurak PhD,Laura J TWIN CITIESshow
Hallsby,Atilla Ttenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Keremidchieva,Zornitsa Dtenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Kessler,Molly M 1tenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Konstan,Joseph AndrewtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Lee,Amy MtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Levin,Katie TWIN CITIESshow
Logie,JohntenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Malinowski,Liane Mtenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Philippon,Daniel JtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Reynolds,Thomas JosephtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Schuster,Mary Lay TWIN CITIESshow
Tang,Jasmine Kar TWIN CITIESshow
1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.