Graduate School

Graduate Education Faculty

For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.

Art History (Twin Cities)
NameTenure StatusHome CampusAll Appts
Blocker,Jane M 1tenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Capper,Emily Ruthtenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Casale,Sinem ArcaktenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Cozzolino,Robert  show
Davalos,Karen MarytenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Gaudio,MichaeltenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Greenberg,Daniel Marktenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Greendeer,Kendra R TWIN CITIESshow
Kalba,Laura AnnetenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Korola,Katerinatenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Lewis Jr,Dwight Ktenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Lopez Lyman,Jessicatenure trackTWIN CITIESshow
Marshall,Jennifer JanetenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Mullin,Diane A TWIN CITIESshow
Ostrow,Steven F TWIN CITIESshow
Seastrand,Anna LisetenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Shank,JBtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Silberman,Robert BtenuredTWIN CITIESshow
Solomonson,Katherine Mary TWIN CITIESshow
1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

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For the complete list of faculty roles by program (and updates by authorized users), see the graduate education faculty role list.