Name | Major/Degree | Confer Date | Track(s) | Minor(s) | Advisor(s) | Thesis/Project Title |
Aguirre,Carlos Arturo | History Ph D | 1996/08 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Criminology and Prison Reform in Lima, Peru, 1860-1930 |
Ailes,Mary E | History Ph D | 1997/06 | | | - Metcalf,Michael F
| From British Mercenaries to Swedish Nobles: The Immigration of British Soldiers to Sweden during the Seventeenth Century. |
Al-Abdul Korah,Gariba B | History Ph D | 2004/09 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Allman,Jean M
| Migration, Ethnicity and Uneven-Development in Ghana: The Case of the Upper West Region in the Twentieth Century. |
Almohsen,Adey A | History Ph D | 2021/08 | | | - Schroeter,Daniel J
| On Modernism's Edge: An Intellectual History of Palestinians After 1948 |
Aloisio,Mark Anthony | History Ph D | 2008/05 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Economy, Society, and Institutions in Late Medieval Sicily: Sciacca and its Hinterland in the Fifteenth Century. |
Amelio,Amy Brown | History Ph D | 2001/08 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Land, Family, King: Experiences of Aristocratic Widows in Late Twelfth-Century England. |
Ames,Glenn Joseph | History Ph D | 1987/12 | | | - Bamford,Paul W
| Colbert's Eastern Strategy of 1664-1674: A Comparative Analysis of French Policy in the Indian Ocean. |
Anastasakis,Panteleymon E | History Ph D | 2009/08 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Church of Greece under Axis Occupation (1941-1944). |
Anderson,Sheldon Rober | History Ph D | 1989/08 | | | - Rudolph,Richard L
- Brauer,Kinley J
| A Dollar to Poland is a Dollar to Russia: United States Economic Policy Toward Poland, 1945-1952. |
Andrew,Anita Marie | History Ph D | 1991/07 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
| Zhu Yuanzhang and the Great Warnings (Yuzhi Da Gao): Autocracy and Rural Reform in the Early Ming. |
Anfinson,John Ogden | History Ph D | 1987/10 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| Transitions in the Fur Trade, Continuity in Mandan Economy and Society to 1837. |
Arnett,Jessica | History Ph D | 2018/04 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Welke,Barbara Young
| Between Empires and Frontiers: Alaska Native Sovereignty and U.S. Settler Imperialism |
Arnold,Brie A Swenson | History Ph D | 2008/12 | | | - Norling,Lisa Ann
- Fischer,Kirsten
| "Competition for the Virgin Soil of Kansas": Gendered and Sexualized Discourse about the Kansas Crisis in Northen Popular Print and Political Culture, 1854-1860. |
Arnold,Ellen F | History Ph D | 2006/07 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Environment and the Shaping of Monastic Identity: Stavelot- Malmedy and the Medieval Ardennes. |
Aurand,Harold Wilson J | History Ph D | 1998/11 | | | - Howe Jr,John R
| Regional Origin and Political Culture on the Upper Susquehanna Frontier, 1750-1800. |
Badger,Elizabeth F | History Ph D | 2024/01 | | | - Deutsch,Tracey A
| Gaming Culture: Intellectual Property, Capitalism, and their Impacts on the Culture and Gendering of Video Games 1970-1995 |
Bailey,Heather L | History Ph D | 2001/06 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Ernest Renan's Life of Jesus and the Orthodox Struggle Against the De-Christianization of Christ in Russia, 1863-1917. |
Barclay,Paul | History Ph D | 1999/07 | | | - Noble,David W
- Marshall,Byron K
| Japanese and American Colonial Projects: Anthropological Typification in Taiwan and the Philippines. |
Barrows,Paul Wayne | History Ph D | 1990/09 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| The Historical Roots of Cape Verdean Dependency: 1460-1990. |
Baryishay,Hanna Zacks | History Ph D | 1991/08 | | | - Rudolph,Richard L
| Female Labor Force Participation in a Developing Economy Pre-State Israel as a Case Study. |
Bedell,John C | History Ph D | 1994/12 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Dispute Settlement and the Control of Violence in England, 1272-1330. |
Bender,Tovah Leigh | History Ph D | 2009/07 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
- Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Negotiating Marriage: Artisan Women in Fifteenth-Century Florentine Society. |
Bengston,Roger E | History Ph D | 1991/07 | | | - Green,George David
| A History of the Green Giant Company, 1903-1979. |
Benson,Koni | History Ph D | 2009/01 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| Crossroads Continues: Histories of Women Mobilizing Against Forced Removals and for Housing in Cape Town South Africa, 1975-2005. |
Berg Burin,Nikki L | History Ph D | 2007/05 | | | - Fischer,Kirsten
- Norling,Lisa Ann
| A Regency of Women: Female Plantation Management in the Old South. |
Berg,Sister Carol Jean | History Ph D | 1981/08 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
Berger,Jean Kathryn | History Ph D | 1998/07 | | | - Noonan,Thomas S
| The Daily Life of the Household in Medieval Novgorod. |
Berquist,Dolores Elaine | History Ph D | 2001/05 | | | - Good,David Franklin
| The Vienna Chamber of Commerce, 1848-1913: Politics, Economy, and Institutional Change. |
Bhaumik,Pradip | History Ph D | 1998/06 | | | - Kieft,David
| British Foreign Policy and France, 1868-1880: A Study in Great Power Diplomacy. |
Biel,Justin Blake | History Ph D | 2014/08 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| Divide and Tolerate: Imperial Secularisms in Ireland, India, and Britain, 1774-1815. |
Biggs,Douglas L | History Ph D | 1996/09 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| "Then you Perceive the Body of Our Kingdom" The Royal Affinity of Henry IV, 1399-1413 |
Bitter,Michael Jay | History Ph D | 1999/03 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| A British Embassy to St. Petersburg: George, Lord Forbes, and the Anglo-Russian Commercial Treaty, 1733-1734. |
Blackler,Adam A | History Ph D | 2017/06 | | | - Weitz,Eric D
- Cohen,Gary
| Heathens, 'Hottentots', and Heimat: Colonial Encounters and German Identity in Southwest Africa, 1842-1915 |
Blee,Lisa Marie | History Ph D | 2008/10 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Murphy,Kevin
| Framing Chief Leschi: Narratives and the Politics of Historical Justice in the South Puget Sound. |
Blincoe,Mark E | History Ph D | 2008/08 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| Angevin Society and the Early Crusades, 1095-1145. |
Block,William Clarence | History Ph D | 2000/08 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
- Ruggles,Steven
| 'A Princely Gift Indeed': Agricultural Opportunity and Marriage in the United States, 1850-1920. |
Bluestone,Jamie Rae | History Ph D | 2010/12 | | | - Phillips,Carla Rahn
| Why the Earth Shakes: Pre-Modern Understandings and Modern Earthquake Science. |
Bowman Jr,Glen C | History Ph D | 1998/01 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| John Ponet: Political Theologian of the English Reformation. |
Bowman,Marilyn Beverly | History Ph D | 1987/12 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Labor Migration on Mexico's Southern Border, 1880-1941: The Quest for Regulation and Its Aftermath. |
Bradley,Cameron | History Ph D | 2015/07 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Between Brothers: Brotherhood and Masculinity in the Later Middle Ages. |
Brandt,Marisa K. | History Ph D | 2011/05 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| "Necessary Guidance:" The Fred Harvey Company Presents the Southwest. |
Brekke,Luke G | History Ph D | 2009/05 | | | - Tracy,James D
| "In an Age So Enlightened, Enthusiasm So Extravagant": Popular Religion in Enlightenment Scotland, 1712-1791. |
Brown,James Owen | History Ph D | 1995/12 | | | - Good,David Franklin
| The Family as Process: Family and Economy in Lower Austria, 1788-1848. |
Browne,Sheri Bartlett | History Ph D | 2002/05 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Romance With the West: A Biography of Eva Emery Dye. |
Bruce,Emily C | History Ph D | 2015/07 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| Reading Agency: The Making of Modern German Childhoods in the Age of Revolutions. |
Bruess,Gregory Lynn | History Ph D | 1992/03 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Catherine II's Imperial Manner and Eastern Orthodoxy: The Case of Nikiforos Theotokis, 1779-1800. |
Bryer,Marjorie L | History Ph D | 2003/10 | | | - Roediger,David R
| Representing the Nation: Pinups, Playboy, Pageants and Racial Politics, 1945-1966. |
Bucher,Jesse W | History Ph D | 2010/09 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
- Giles-Vernick,Tamara L
| Arguing Biko: Evidence of the Body in the Politics of History, 1977 to the Present. |
Bunnell,Eugene Harvey | History Ph D | 1985/07 | | | - Wright,William E
- Altholz,Josef L
| Anton Gunther and Johann Emanuel Veith--The Theologian and the Preacher: A Study in Habsburg Roman Catholicism in the Biedermeier Era. |
Burkholder,Kristen M | History Ph D | 2001/11 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Material Culture and Self-Presentation in Late Medieval England. |
Burkholder,Peter J | History Ph D | 2000/12 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Birth and Growth of an Angevin Castellany: Durtal in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. |
Burns,Andrea Alison | History Ph D | 2008/08 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Mayes,Keith A
| "Show Me My Soul!": The Evolution of the Black Museum Movement in Postwar America. |
Bynum,Gordon William | History Ph D | 1998/06 | | | - Tracy,James D
| Juan Luis Vives and the Inner Life: The Mind, Soul and Formation of Prudence. |
Cahn,Susan Kathleen | History Ph D | 1990/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Coming on Strong: Gender and Sexuality in Women's Sport, 1900-1960. |
Calderon,Fernando | History Ph D | 2012/03 | | | - McNamara,Patrick J
- Pilcher,Jeffrey Michael
| Contesting the State from the Ivory Tower: Student Power, Dirty War, and the Urban Guerrilla Experience in Mexico, 1965-1982. |
Cameron,Joel D | History Ph D | 1997/07 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| The Politics of Trade: The German Foreign Office and Economic Relations with Soviet Russia, 1919-1928 |
Campbell,Joellen M | History Ph D | 1999/06 | | | - Phillips,Carla Rahn
| Theater of Negotiation: The Political Voice of Drama in Seventeenth-Century Madrid. |
Campbell,John Douglas | History Ph D | 1988/10 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| The Gender Division of Labor, Slave Reproduction, and the Slave Family Economy on Southern Cotton Plantations, 1800-1865. |
Canaday,Margot | History Ph D | 2004/09 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Welke,Barbara Young
| The Straight State: Sexuality and American Citizenship, 1900-1969. |
Carls,Stephen Douglas | History Ph D | 1982/06 | | | - Munholland,John K
Carlson,Gordon William | History Ph D | 1986/07 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Russian Protestants and American Evangelicals Since the Death of Stalin: Patterns of Interaction and Response. |
Carroll,Jane Lamm | History Ph D | 1991/06 | | | - Murphy,Paul L
| Criminal Justice on the Minnesota Frontier, 1820-1857. |
Catterall,William D | History Ph D | 1998/10 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
- Tracy,James D
| "Community without Borders: Scots Migrants and the Changing Face of Power in the Dutch Republic, 1600-1690." |
Chadya,Joyce Margaret | History Ph D | 2005/10 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| The Untold Story: War, Flight and Internal Displacement of Rural Women to Harare During the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle, 1974-1980. |
Chakraborty,Amalendu | History Ph D | 1992/03 | | | - Kopf,David
| The "Munshis: and the "Sahibs: Bengal Muslims Under British Rule, 1855-1905. |
Chapman,Richard Mark | History Ph D | 1993/09 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
| "To Do These Mitzvahs": Jewish Philanthropy and Social Service in Minneapolis, 1900-1950. |
Chavana,Adrian Vicente | History Ph D | 2023/06 | | | - Chang,David Anthony
- Patino Jr,Jimmy Charles
| Reclaiming Tribal Identity in the Land of the Spirit Waters: The Tāp Pīlam Coahuiltecan Nation |
Chilundo,Arlindo Goncalo | History Ph D | 1995/11 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| The Economic and Social Impact of the Rail and Road Transportation Systems in the Colonial District of Mocambique (1900-1961). |
Chinea,Jorge L | History Ph D | 1994/08 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Racial Politics and Commercial Agriculture: West Indian Immigration in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico, 1800-1850. |
Chipungu,Samuel Nyangu | History Ph D | 1987/05 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| The State, Technology and Peasant Differentiation in Zambia: A Case Study of the Southern Province, 1930-1987. |
Clark,Rhonda Lebedev | History Ph D | 1996/12 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Forgotten Voices: Women in Periodical Publishing of Late Imperial Russia, 1860-1905 |
Cleveland,Todd C | History Ph D | 2008/06 | | - Stdy Africa/African Diaspora
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| Rock Solid: African Laborers on the Diamond Mines of the Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), 1917-1975. |
Coates,Timothy Joel | History Ph D | 1993/07 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Exiles and Orphans: Forced and State-Sponsored Colonizers in the Portuguese Empire, 1550-1720. |
Cody,Cheryll Ann | History Ph D | 1982/08 | | | - Howe Jr,John R
| Slave Demography and Family Formation: A Community Study of the Ball Family Plantations, l720-l896. |
Cohen,Jocelyn H | History Ph D | 2000/12 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Discourses of Acculturation: Gender and Class in East European Jewish Immigrant Autobiography, 1942. |
Collins,Heather Jeanne | History Ph D | 2024/12 | | | - Fischer,Kirsten
| America’s Patriot King: Louis XVI, Royalism, and Republicanism in the Early United States |
Condit-Shrestha,Kelly | History Ph D | 2017/02 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Gabaccia,Donna
| Adoption and American Empire: Migration, Race-making, and the Child, 1845-1988 |
Condon Jr,John Joseph | History Ph D | 2001/10 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| Manumission, Slavery and Family in the Post-Revolutionary Rural Chesapeake: Anne Arundel County, Maryland, 1771-1831. |
Contreras,Jazmine Domenique | History Ph D | 2020/07 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
- Maynes,Mary Jo
| "We were all in the resistance": Historical Memory of the Holocaust and Second World War in the Netherlands |
Cothran III,Boyd Dean | History Ph D | 2012/02 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Murphy,Kevin
| Marketplaces of Remembering: Violence, Colonialism, and American Innocence in the Making of the Modoc War. |
Cox,James Wendel | History Ph D | 1998/03 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
- Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| A World Together, A World Apart: The United States and the Arikaras, 1803-1851 |
Crabtree,Sarah L | History Ph D | 2007/07 | | | - Norling,Lisa Ann
- Fischer,Kirsten
| A Holy Nation: The Quaker Itinerant Ministry in an Age of Revolution, 1750-1820. |
Cuellar Cuellar,Paula Sofia | History Ph D | 2022/10 | | | - McNamara,Patrick J
- Chambers,Sarah C
| Salvadoran Women Speak: Female Accounts of Their Struggle Within a Revolution, 1981-1992 |
Currin,John Michael | History Ph D | 1995/03 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| Henry VII and the Politics of Europe, 1485-1492: Diplomacy and War at the Accession of the Tudor Regime. |
Dachowski,Elizabeth Ei | History Ph D | 1995/04 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Serpent and the Dove: The Career of Abbo of Fleury. |
Dahl,Kathleen Aileen | History Ph D | 1996/04 | | | - Bamford,Paul W
| At the Center of the Movement Towards Enlightenment: Louise Keralio Robert and the French Revolution. |
Dalbotten,Diana M | History Ph D | 2000/12 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Ancient Souls and Modern Art: Nicholas Roerich and the Silver Age of Russian Art. |
Danielsson,Sarah K | History Ph D | 2005/08 | | | - Weitz,Eric D
- Feinstein,Stephen
| The Intellectual Unmasked: Sven Hedin's Political Life from Pan-Germanism to National Socialism. |
Davenport,John Brian | History Ph D | 1994/01 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| "Yours Unfeignedly in the Lord:" The Theology of John Davenport (1597-1670), and its Context. |
Davidann,Jon Thares | History Ph D | 1995/11 | | | - Noble,David W
| A World of Crisis and Progress: Christianity, National Identity, and the American YMCA in Japan, 1890-1930. |
Davison,Gary Marvin | History Ph D | 1993/08 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
| Agricultural Development and the Fate of Farmers in Taiwan, 1945-1990. |
Delgado,Noel L | History Ph D | 2008/04 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Grand Testamentum of Remigius of Reims: Its Authenticity, Juridical Acta and Bequeathed Property. |
Deng,Shihan | History Ph D | 1994/06 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| Ideas of the Church in an Age of Reform: The Ecclesiological Thoughts of John Nelson Darby and John Henry Newman, 1824-1850. |
Dennis,Joseph Raymond | History Ph D | 2004/06 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
- Waltner,Ann B
| Writing, Publishing, and REading Local Histories in Ming China. |
Depenbusch,Brooke K | History Ph D | 2019/08 | | | - Welke,Barbara Young
- Deutsch,Tracey A
| Down and Out in the USA: General Relief and the Politics of Precarity in the Shadow of the Welfare State, 1935-1964 |
Dhulipala,Venkat | History Ph D | 2008/05 | | | - Skaria,Ajay
| Rallying Around the Qaum: The Muslims of the United Provinces and the Movement for Pakistan, 1935-1947. |
Diaz,Arlene J | History Ph D | 1997/01 | | | - McCaa,Robert E
| Ciudadanas and Padres de Familia: Liberal Change, Gender, Law, and the Lower Classes in Caracas, Venezuela, 1786-1888 |
Diehl-Taylor,Christiane | History Ph D | 1997/12 | | | - Green,George David
| "Business Shall Proceed In The Following Manner:" Corporate Managers, the Bureaucratization Process, and the Creation of Divergent Corporate Cultures, 1880-1938. |
Dillenburg,Elizabeth A | History Ph D | 2019/04 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
- Maynes,Mary Jo
| Constructing and Contesting “the Girlhood of Our Empire”: Girls’ Culture, Labor, and Mobility in Britain, South Africa, and New Zealand, c. 1830-1930 |
Dillon,Lisa Yvette | History Ph D | 1997/12 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| Between Generations and Across Borders: Living Arrangements of the Elderly and their Children in Victorian Canada and the United States. |
Donahue,Kelly L | History Ph D | 2013/12 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| Prodigal Daughters: Imprisoned Women, Reform, and the Femine Ideal in the British Isles, 1800-1877. |
Dorst,Jesse | History Ph D | 2021/06 | | | - Shank,John B
| Bumfodder: Cheap Paper, Ephemeral Print, and the Unsettled Nation, 1651-1720 |
Downs,Jennifer Eileen | History Ph D | 1995/07 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
| Famine Policy and Discourses on Famine in Ming China, 1368-1644. |
Doyle,Daniel | History Ph D | 1996/06 | | | - Tracy,James D
| The Body of a Woman but the Heart and Stomach of a King: Mary of Hungary and the Exercise of Political Power in Early Modern Europe. |
Dronzek,Anna | History Ph D | 2001/06 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Manners, Models, and Morals: Gender, Status, and Codes of Conduct Among the Middle Classes of Late Medieval England. |
Duxbury,Susan Cramer | History Ph D | 1996/06 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| The Redistribution of Wine From Southampton in the Fifteenth Century. |
Eden,Jason E | History Ph D | 2006/05 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| Negotiating a New Religious World: English Missionaries and American Indians in Colonial Southeastern Massachusetts. |
Edwards,Martha Lyn | History Ph D | 1995/08 | | | - Kelly,Thomas
| Physical Disability in the Ancient Greek World. |
Edwards-Simpson,Louise R | History Ph D | 1996/11 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
- Evans,Sara M
| Sicilian Immigration to New Orleans, 1870-1910: Ethnicity, Race, and Social Position in the New South. |
Enke,Anne | History Ph D | 1999/08 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| Locating Feminst Activism: Women's Movement and Public Geographies, Minneapolis-St. Paul, 1968-1980. |
Enstad,Nancy C | History Ph D | 1993/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Compromised Positions: Working-Class Women, Popular Culture and Labor Politics, 1890-1920. |
Epstein,Seth Edward David | History Ph D | 2013/02 | | | - Murphy,Kevin
- Chang,David Anthony
| Tolerance, Governance, and Surveillance in the Jim Crow South: Asheville, North Carolina, 1876-1946. |
Ernst,John Charles | History Ph D | 1991/06 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| The Response of the English Wesleyan Methodist Church to the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. |
Fair,Laura J | History Ph D | 1994/08 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Geiger,Susan Nash
| Pastimes and Politics: A Social History of Zanzibar's Ng'Ambo Community 1890-1950. |
Fang,Qin | History Ph D | 2008/12 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
- Isett,Christopher Mills
| Creating Local Landscape: Tidal Bores and Seawalls at Haining (1720s-1830s). |
Farmer,Thomas R | History Ph D | 2011/07 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Transformation of Cologne: From a Late Roman to and Early Medieval City. |
Faue,Elizabeth Victoria | History Ph D | 1987/10 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Women, Work and Community, Minneapolis, 1929 - 1946. |
Fitch,Catherine A | History Ph D | 2005/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Ruggles,Steven
| Transitions to Marriage in the United States, 1850-2000. |
Flynn,Christopher Patrick | History Ph D | 2020/05 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| "Unconquered Louis Rejoiced in Iron": Military History in East Francia under King Louis the German (c. 825-876) |
Foroughi,Andrea Rae | History Ph D | 1999/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Norling,Lisa Ann
| "Ephemeral Town, Enduring Community: Space, Gender, and Power in Nininger Minnesota, 1851-1870". |
Frahm,Jill E | History Ph D | 2010/08 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
- Deutsch,Tracey A
| Unclaimed Flowers and Blossoms Protected by Thorns: Never-Married Women in th United States, 1880-1930 . |
Frary,Lucien J | History Ph D | 2003/12 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Russia and Independent Greece: Politics, Religion, and Print Culture (1833-1844). |
Freeman,Christopher Langdon | History Ph D | 2007/12 | | - Classical and Near Eastern Std
| - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Figure of a Hero: Reading Metaphor in the "New History" of the Twelfth Century. |
French,Katherine Louis | History Ph D | 1993/11 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Local Identity and the Late Medieval Parish: The Communities of Bath and Wells. |
Gao,Ruchen | History Ph D | 2022/11 | | | - Wang,Liping
- Waltner,Ann B
Gardner,Todd K | History Ph D | 1998/04 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| The Metropolitan Fringe: Suburbanization in the United States Before World War II. |
Garry,Patrick M | History Ph D | 1986/07 | | | - Murphy,Paul L
| The First Amendment and Freedom of the Press: A Renewed Approach to the Marketplace of Ideas Concept. |
Gaut,Gregory Arthur | History Ph D | 1992/08 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| A Christian Westernizer: Vladimir Solovyov and Russian Conservative Nationalism. |
Geffert,Bryn I | History Ph D | 2003/05 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Anglicans & Orthodox Between the Wars. |
Gehrke,Jules P | History Ph D | 2006/06 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| Municipal Anti-Socialism and the Growth of the Anti-Socialist Critique in Britain, 1873-1914. |
Gengenbach,Heidi | History Ph D | 1999/05 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Geiger,Susan Nash
| Where Women Make History: Pots, Stories, Tattoos, and Other Gendered Accounts of Community and Change in Magude District, Mozambique, c. 1800 to the Present. |
Georgakis,Angelo | History Ph D | 2003/08 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| The Transformation of a City: Salonika 1908-1922. |
Gertjejanssen,Wendy Jo | History Ph D | 2004/06 | | | - Weitz,Eric D
| Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front During World War II. |
Gilmer,Robert Andrew | History Ph D | 2011/05 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Chang,David Anthony
| In the Shadow of Removal: Historical Memory, Indianness, and the Tellico Dam Project. |
Gjerde,Jon Alan | History Ph D | 1982/12 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| Peasants to Bourgeoisie: The Migration from Balestrand, Norway to the Upper Middle West. |
Gladen,Cynthia A | History Ph D | 2003/11 | | | - Pomata,Gianna
- Phillips,Carla Rahn
| A Painter, a Duchess, and the Monastero di Sant'Orsola: Case Studies of Women's Monastic Lives in Mantua, 1599-1651. |
Goeken,Ronald A | History Ph D | 1999/06 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| Unmarried Adults and Residential Autonomy: Living Arrangements in the United States, 1880-1990. |
Goetz,Kathryn R | History Ph D | 2013/08 | | | - Norling,Lisa Ann
| "Tell me how you like the shoose?": Gender, girlhood, and material self- fashioning in America, 1770-1850. |
Gomez,Ana Margarita | History Ph D | 2003/08 | | | - Phillips,Carla Rahn
- Schwartz,Stuart B
| "Al Servicio De Las Armas:" The Bourbon Army of Late Colonial Guatemala, 1762-1821. |
Gonzalez,Luis A | History Ph D | 1998/10 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Law, Hegemony, and the Poitics of Sugarcane Growers Under Getulio Vargas: Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1930-1950. |
Good,Anne M | History Ph D | 2005/07 | | | - Tracy,James D
| Primitive Man and the Enlightened Observer: Peter Kolb Among the Khoikhoi. |
Good,Jonathan D | History Ph D | 2004/06 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Saint George for England: Sanctity and National Identity, 1271-1509. |
Grace,Philip David | History Ph D | 2010/05 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Providers and Educators: The Theory and Practice of Fatherhood in Late Medieval Basel, 1475-1529. |
Graham,Susan H | History Ph D | 2006/05 | | | - Norling,Lisa Ann
| "Call Me a Female Politician, I Glory in the Name!": Women Dorrites and Rhode Island's 1842 Suffrage Crisis. |
Groberg,Kristi Ann | History Ph D | 1999/04 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| "Petropolitan Reliquary: Temple of the Resurrection on the Blood, 1881-1998." |
Gross,Stephen John | History Ph D | 1995/03 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| Family, Property, Community: Class and Identity Among German Americans in Rural Stearns County, Minnesota, 1860-1920. |
Gudmundson,Lowell Wayne | History Ph D | 1982/08 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Costa Rica Before Coffee: Society and Economy on the Eve of Agro- Export Based Expansion. |
Guenther,Louise H | History Ph D | 1998/09 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| The British Community of Bahia, Brazil, 1808-1850. |
Guglielmo,Jennifer | History Ph D | 2003/05 | | | - Roediger,David R
| Negotiating Gender, Race, and Coalition: Italian Women and Working-Class Politics in New York City, 1880-1945. |
Guidera,Christine | History Ph D | 2001/10 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Loving God with His own Love: The Beguines of the Southern Low Countries in Community. |
Hacker,James David | History Ph D | 1999/09 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
- Ruggles,Steven
| The Human Cost of War: White Population in the United States, 1850-1880. |
Haker,Joseph P | History Ph D | 2018/07 | | | - May,Lary Linden
- May,Elaine Tyler
| The Rock of the Republic: The Ten Commandments in American Life from World War II to the Culture Wars |
Halfond,Gregory Isaac | History Ph D | 2007/05 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Archaeology of Frankish Church Councils: 511-768. |
Halker,Clark Douglas | History Ph D | 1984/07 | | | - Berman,Hyman
| For Democracy, The Working Class, and God: Labor Song-Poems and Working-Class Consciousness, 1865-1895. |
Hall,Patricia Kelly | History Ph D | 2009/03 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| Privileged Moves: Migration, Race and Veteran Status in Post- World War II America. |
Hampton,Melissa L | History Ph D | 2021/11 | | | - Kunzel,Regina G
- Welke,Barbara Young
| Women, Gender, and the Politics of Refugee Resettlement in the Cuban Mariel Migration of 1980 |
Hansen,Benjamin | History Ph D | 2024/06 | | | - Sterk,Andrea Louise
| Between Trepidation and Hope: A Study of Palestinian Christians after the Arab Conquests, ca. 630-797 |
Harper,Nicki Dianne | History Ph D | 1982/06 | | | - Jones,Tom B
Harreld,Donald J | History Ph D | 2000/05 | | | - Tracy,James D
- Reyerson,Kathryn L
| High Germans in the Low Countries: German Merchants and their Trade in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp. |
Harris,Paisley J | History Ph D | 2000/10 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Taking the Stage: Traveling Shows, Traveling Performers, and Competing Narratives of Respectability in the Public Sphere, 1905-1930. |
Haukeness,Kevin Donald | History Ph D | 1994/08 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Educating the Russian Worker: The School System of the Russian Technical Society in St. Petersburg, 1869-1917. |
He,Qi-liang | History Ph D | 2006/06 | | | - Wang,Liping
- Waltner,Ann B
| News about Killing, News that Killed: Media Culture and Identities in the 1920s China. |
Hedberg,Mary Ann | History Ph D | 1994/12 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Conflicts and Continuities: Chapters in the History of Tuzantla, a Town in Colonial Mexico. |
Helfrich,Joel T | History Ph D | 2010/07 | | | - Roediger,David R
| A Mountain of Politics: The Struggle for dzil nchaa si'an (Mount Graham), 1871-2002. |
Henry,Deborah Jane | History Ph D | 2002/09 | | | - Roediger,David R
| Structures of Exclusion: Black Labor and the Building Trades in St. Louis, 1917-1966. |
Herbert,Jason Wayne | History Ph D | 2022/05 | | | - Chang,David Anthony
| Beast of Many Names: Cattle, Conflict, and the Transformation of Indigenous Florida, 1519-1858 |
Herman,Charles Wendell | History Ph D | 1990/03 | | | - Bamford,Paul W
| Kings and Knights in Early Modern France: Royal Orders of Knighthood, 1469-1715. |
Hervey,Norma J | History Ph D | 1991/05 | | | - Green,George David
| A Company Town Becomes a Community: Milaca, Minnesota 1880-1915. |
Hesterman,Paul Donald | History Ph D | 1985/12 | | | - Green,George David
| Interests, Values, and Public Policy for an Urban River: A History of Development Along the Mississippi River in Saint Paul, Minnesota. |
Heughins,David William | History Ph D | 1983/08 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| R.D. Hampden and the "Oxford Malignants": The Hampden Controversy of 1836. |
Higgins,Roland Louis | History Ph D | 1981/06 | | | - Marshall,Byron K
Hill,Arthur C | History Ph D | 1982/03 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
Hill,Gabriel | History Ph D | 2012/05 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| "Reading Religious Miscellanies in Fifteenth-Century England". |
Hillmer,Paul Allan | History Ph D | 2001/05 | | | - Green,George David
| "This is Practical Religion:" The Cleveland YMCA and the Social Service Movement. |
Holdren,Nathaniel David | History Ph D | 2014/07 | | | - Welke,Barbara Young
- Deutsch,Tracey A
| `The Compensation Law Put Us Out of Work': Workplace Injury Law, Commodification, and Discrimination in the Early 20th Century United States. |
Horan,Caley Dawn | History Ph D | 2011/08 | | | - May,Elaine Tyler
- May,Lary Linden
| Actuarial Age: Insurance and the Emergence of Neoliberalism in the Postwar United States. |
Hornibrook,Jeffrey How | History Ph D | 1996/11 | | | - Taylor,Romeyn
| Mechanized Coal Mining and Local Political Conflict: The Case of Pingxiang County, Jiangxi Province in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. |
Howardpitney,David Mac | History Ph D | 1984/10 | | | - Noble,David W
| Afro-American Jeremiahs: Black Thought and Leadership and American Civil Religion, 1880-1968. |
Hoyt,Andrew Douglas | History Ph D | 2018/06 | | | - Gabaccia,Donna
| And They Called Them “Galleanisti”: The Rise of the Cronaca Sovversiva and the Formation of America’s Most Infamous Anarchist Faction (1895-1912) |
Hsu,Piching | History Ph D | 1994/07 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
| Celebrating the Emotional Self: Feng Meng-Lung and Late Ming Ethics and Aesthetics. |
Hu,Xiangyu | History Ph D | 2011/05 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
- Isett,Christopher Mills
| The Juridical System of the Qing Dynasty in Beijing (1644-1900). |
Huebel,Anne Kristina | History Ph D | 2004/03 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| "More Than an Individual"? The Paradoxes of Motherhood in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. |
Humeston,Helen | History Ph D | 1981/08 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
Hur,Goo Saing | History Ph D | 1998/10 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| Commonwealth, Social Order and the Tudor Poor Laws. |
Hurtak,James Joachim | History Ph D | 1993/06 | | | - Wright,William E
| Technical Advisers and Technocrats in the Corridors of Power: The Dialectic Between Science and Technology in the Building of an Aerospace Program in the Third Reich. |
Huska,Melanie | History Ph D | 2013/09 | | | - Pilcher,Jeffrey Michael
- McNamara,Patrick J
| Entertaining Education: Teaching National History in Mexican State- Sponsored Comic Books and Telenovelas, 1963 to 1996. |
Huyck,Heather Ann | History Ph D | 1981/06 | | | - Noble,David W
Hyman,Colette Anne | History Ph D | 1990/01 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Culture as Strategy: Workers' Theatre and the American Labor Movement in the 1930s. |
Illuzzi,Jennifer Grana | History Ph D | 2008/09 | | | - Weitz,Eric D
- Maynes,Mary Jo
| "The Bastards of Humanity". State Authorities' Interactions with Gypsy Populations in Germany and Italy, 1861-1914. |
Izzo,Jesse W | History Ph D | 2016/11 | | | - Lower,Michael T
| The Frankish Nobility and The Fall of Acre: Diplomacy, Society, and War in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, c.1240-1291 |
Jahnke-Wegner,Joanne M | History Ph D | 2020/09 | | | - Fischer,Kirsten
| Captive Economies: Social Reproduction, Commodification, and Settler Colonialism in the Northeast 1630-1763 |
Jakobson,Michael | History Ph D | 1988/01 | | | - Thayer,John A
| The Labor Camp System as a Soviet Governmental Institution, 1917-1934. |
James,Elliot Landon | History Ph D | 2018/12 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| Sithutha Isizwe ("We Carry the Nation"): Dispossession, Displacement, and the Making of the Shared Minibus Taxi in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa, 1930-Present |
Jarvis,Brad D | History Ph D | 2006/06 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| Preserving the Brothertown Nation of Indians: Exploring Relationships Amongst Land, Sovereignty, and Identity, 1740-1840. |
Jaywant,Ketaki Umesh | History Ph D | 2021/08 | | | - Skaria,Ajay
| Secularizing Caste: Mapping Nineteenth-Century Anti-caste Politics in Western India |
Jelatis,Virginia Gail | History Ph D | 1999/06 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| Tangled Up in Blue: Indigo Culture and Economy in South Carolina, 1747-1800. |
Jensen,Richard Bach | History Ph D | 1982/12 | | | - Thayer,John A
| Liberty and Order: The Theory and Practice of Italian Public Security Policy, 1848 to the Crisis of the 1890s. |
Jessee,Winfield Scott | History Ph D | 1989/05 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| Robert the Burgundian, an Eleventh-Century Angevin Noble. |
Jiang,Yonglin | History Ph D | 1997/06 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
- Waltner,Ann B
| The Great Ming Code: A Cosmological Instrument for Transforming "All under Heaven". |
Jiang,Yu | History Ph D | 2010/11 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
- Wang,Liping
| State Building, Capitalism, and Development: State-Run Industrial Enterprises in Fengtian, 1920-1931. |
Jiang,Yuanxin | History Ph D | 2019/12 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
| More than just a Drink: Tea Consumption, Material Culture, and ‘Sensory Turn’ in Early Modern China (1550-1700) |
Jin,Hui-Han | History Ph D | 2017/12 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
| Emotional Death: Tombs and Burial Practices in the Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 |
Johnson,Curtis Dean | History Ph D | 1985/07 | | | - Green,George David
| Islands of Holiness: Rural Religion in Cortland County, New York, 1790-1860. |
Johnson,Ryan M | History Ph D | 2014/12 | | | - Welke,Barbara Young
- Murphy,Kevin
| War is the Health of the State: War, Empire, and Anarchy in the Languages of American National Security. |
Jones,Barbara Minette | History Ph D | 1995/11 | | | - Murphy,Paul L
| Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in United States Legal Culture: An Historical Perspective from World War I Through the Vietnam Conflict. |
Jones,Elizabeth B | History Ph D | 2000/04 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| Gender and Agricultural Change in Saxony, 1900-1930. |
Kallgren,Daniel Carl | History Ph D | 1995/08 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| The Individual, the Family and the Community in the Rise of American School Attendance, 1850-1950. |
Kayfes Jr,John Anthony | History Ph D | 2004/08 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Imagining the Balkans: Croatia and Greece in the Political Imagination of its Political Leadership during the Interwar Years. |
Keillor,Steven J | History Ph D | 1992/12 | | | - Green,George David
| Democratic Coordination in the Marketplace: Minnesota's Rural Cooperatives, 1865-1917. |
Kern,Edmund Michael | History Ph D | 1995/08 | | | - Wright,William E
| The Styrian Witch Trials: Secular Authority and Religious Orthodoxy in the Early Modern Period. |
Kim,Jee-Yeon | History Ph D | 2018/05 | | | - Mizuno,Hiromi
- Onishi,Yuichiro
| Korean War Memories |
Kim,Marie | History Ph D | 1991/03 | | | - Bamford,Paul W
- Tracy,James D
| Michel de L'Hopital: The Political Vision of a Reformist Chancellor, 1560-1568. |
Kim,Minjae | History Ph D | 1986/07 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| The Legislation of the Earlier Parliaments of Henry VIII, 1509 - 1515. |
King,Matthew L | History Ph D | 2018/03 | | | - Lower,Michael T
| The Norman Kingdom of Africa and the Medieval Mediterranean |
Kinney,Jayne Elizabeth | History Ph D | 2024/08 | | - Amer Indian and Indig Studies
| - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Chang,David Anthony
| “The Heart of the Nation”: The Roles of Female Leadership Networks in Mandan and Hidatsa Resistance and Resilience |
Kirchmann,Anna D | History Ph D | 1997/08 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| "They are Coming for Freedom, Not Dollars:" Political Refugees and Transformations of Ethnic Identity Within Polish American Community After World War II |
Kitchen,Deborah Lynn | History Ph D | 1993/04 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| Interracial Marriage in the United States, 1900-1980. |
Klippenstein,Lawrence | History Ph D | 1984/07 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Mennonite Pacifism and State Service in Russia. A Case Study in Church-State Relations: 1789-1936. |
Kohut,Thomas August | History Ph D | 1983/03 | | | - Pflanze,Otto Paul
| The Politicization of Personality and the Personalization of Politics: A Psychohistorical Study of Kaiser Wilhelm II's Leadership of the Germans. |
Kovalev,Roman K | History Ph D | 2003/08 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
- Bachrach,Bernard
| The Infrastructure of the Novgorodian Fur Trade in the Pre-Mongol Era (CA. 900-CA. 1240.) |
Kulisheck,Patricia J | History Ph D | 1996/06 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| "The Favourite Child of the Whigs": The Life and Career of Henry Bilson Legge, 1708-1764. |
Kwolekfolland,Angel | History Ph D | 1987/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| The Business of Gender: The Redefinition of Male and Female and the Modern Business Office in the United States, 1880-1930. |
Lalu,Premesh J | History Ph D | 2003/04 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| In The Event Of History. |
Lane,Kris Eugene | History Ph D | 1996/06 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Mining the Margins: Precious Metals Extraction and Forced Labor Regimes in the Audiencia of Quito, 1534-1821 |
Lansing,Michael J | History Ph D | 2003/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| The Significance of Nonhumans in U.S. Western History. |
Larson,Bryant Leroy | History Ph D | 1983/06 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| The Moslems of Soviet Central Asia: Soviet and Western Perceptions of a Growing Political Problem. |
Laulainenschein,Diana | History Ph D | 2004/11 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| Comparative Counterpoints: Witchcraft Accusations in Early-Modern Lancashire and the Chesapeake. |
LaVigne Jr,David Joseph | History Ph D | 2009/12 | | | - Gabaccia,Donna
- Lee,Erika G
| Mesabi Histories: Immigration, Industry, and Identity in American Historical Memory during the Twentieth Century. |
Leech,Donald John | History Ph D | 2007/06 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
- Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Community of Town and Country: Social Class and Property in the Borough of Coventry, 1350-1525. |
Leher,Shmuel | History Ph D | 1988/06 | | | - Rudolph,Richard L
| Germans and Jews in Palestine During the Later Periods of Turkish Rule: A Study in Influences and Relations. |
Leinonen,Johanna Katariina | History Ph D | 2011/01 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Gabaccia,Donna
| Elite Migration, Transnational Families, and the Nation State: International Marriages between Finns and Americans across the Atlantic in the Twentieth Century. |
Lekgoathi,Sekibakiba P | History Ph D | 2006/04 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| Ethnicity and Identity: Struggle and Contestation in the Making of the Northern Transvaal Ndebele, ca. 1860-2005. |
Lelis,Arnold A | History Ph D | 2014/02 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| We Are Not the Periphery: Barbarian Economies and Northern Europe in the Exchange Patterns of Western Eurasia, 1800 BC - AD 900. |
Lewis,Earl | History Ph D | 1984/12 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| "At Work and at Home: Blacks in Norfolk, Virginia, 1910-1945." |
Li,Kan | History Ph D | 2020/06 | | | - Wang,Liping
- Waltner,Ann B
Likaka,Osumaka | History Ph D | 1993/07 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| Forced Cotton Production in the Belgian Congo, 1917-1960. |
Lindman,Janet Moore | History Ph D | 1994/02 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Menard,Russell Robert
| A World of Baptists: Gender, Race, and Religious Community in Pennsylvania and Virginia, 1689-1825. |
Lintelman,Joy Kathleen | History Ph D | 1991/12 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| "More Freedom, Better Pay": Single Swedish Immigrant Women in the United States, 1880-1920. |
Lippman,Erich Douglas | History Ph D | 2007/05 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Secularism and its Discontents: Religion and Modernity through the Eyes of Maxim Gorky and Vasily Rozanov. |
Little,John A | History Ph D | 2020/05 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| Vietnam Akíčita: Lakota and Dakota Military Tradition in the Twentieth Century |
Liu,Lisong | History Ph D | 2009/07 | | | - Welke,Barbara Young
- Lee,Erika G
| Mobility, Community and Identity: Chinese Student/Professional Migration to the United States since 1978 and Transnational Citizenship. |
Lorenz-Meyer,Elizabeth A | History Ph D | 2006/08 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Norling,Lisa Ann
| Gender, Ethnicity and Space: Jews in Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1900-1930. |
Louisa,Angelo Joseph | History Ph D | 1985/12 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| The Marian Bishops: A Study of the Backgrounds and Ecclesiastical Activities of the Marian Episcopate. |
Lowry,Paul Thorpe | History Ph D | 1997/04 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
| The Truman Administration Policy in Palestine November 1947-December 1952 |
Lucas,Cassandra Lynn | History Ph D | 2007/01 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Rape, Race, and Redemption: A Northern Translation of the Southern Script in the 1920 Duluth Lynching. |
Luepke,Laura Evans | History Ph D | 2017/10 | | | - Deutsch,Tracey A
- Gunn,Jennifer Lee
| Defining the Physician's Duty: Medical Professionalization in America and the Politics of Prostitution Reform Activism, 1870s-1910s |
Lummus,Wesley W | History Ph D | 2021/05 | | | - Casale,Giancarlo
| One Nation, Two Languages: Latinization and Language Reform in Turkey and Azerbaijan, 1905-1938 |
Lungerhausen,Matthew Robert | History Ph D | 2004/09 | | | - Good,David Franklin
| Visual Culture, Modernity, and Nation Building: The Case of Photography in Fin-de-siecle Hungary. |
Ma,Yuxin | History Ph D | 2003/08 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
| Nation, "-Isms" and Women's Media Public: Changes of Chinese Women's Press, 1898-1937. |
Macdonald,Dorothy Sell | History Ph D | 1985/10 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| Parliament and Monetary Affairs in Late Medieval England. |
Madden,Mollie M | History Ph D | 2014/12 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Black Prince at War: The Anatomy of a Chevauchee. |
Maegi,Bernard J | History Ph D | 2008/09 | | | - Gabaccia,Donna
| Dangerous Persons, Delayed Pilgrims: Baltic Displaced Persons and the Making of Cold War America, 1945-1952. |
Magnolia,Alexander Nicholas | History Ph D | 2024/11 | | | - Sterk,Andrea Louise
| Byzantium and Beyond: The Medieval Roman Empire and its World through the Letters of Patriarch Nicholas I Mystikos, 901-925 CE |
Magnuson,Diana Lynn | History Ph D | 1995/12 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| The Making of a Modern Census: The United States Census of Population, 1790-1940. |
Maher S J,Michael William | History Ph D | 1997/11 | | | - Pomata,Gianna
| Reforming Rome: The Society of Jesus and its Congregations at the Church of the Gesu. |
Malauene,Denise Maria | History Ph D | 2021/01 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| A history of music and politics in Mozambique from the 1890s to the present |
Mandala,Elias Coutinho | History Ph D | 1983/08 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| Capitalism, Ecology and Society: The Lower Tchiri (Shire) Valley of Malawi, 1860-1960. |
Manke,John Andrew | History Ph D | 2019/12 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Granum Bonum: Grain Distribution and the Emergence of Popular Institutions in Medieval Genoa |
Manovich,Ellen L | History Ph D | 2016/05 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
- Gabaccia,Donna
| “Is This a Real Neighborhood?”: Universities, Urban Development, and Neighborhood Change in the Twentieth Century United States |
Manuel,Jeffrey T | History Ph D | 2009/07 | | | - May,Lary Linden
| Developing Resources: Industry, Policy, and Memory on the Post-Industrial Iron Range. |
Marshall,Christopher John | History Ph D | 2014/11 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| A Revolutionary Crucible: French Radicals, Foreign Expatriates, and Political Exiles in the Paris Commune. |
Martin,Thomas P | History Ph D | 2005/12 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
- Phillips,Carla Rahn
| English Humanism and the Problem of Ireland During the Reign of Elizabeth. |
Martino-Trutor,Gina Michelle | History Ph D | 2012/05 | | | - Fischer,Kirsten
| "Her Extraordinary Sufferings and Services": Women and War in New England and New France, 1630-1763. |
Masakure,Clement | History Ph D | 2012/07 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
Masebo,Oswald | History Ph D | 2010/07 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Giles-Vernick,Tamara L
Mashingaidze,Terence Motida | History Ph D | 2012/03 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| "Living and Struggling on the Margins": A Post-Relocation History of the Zimbabwean Tonga`s Livelihoods in Binga District, 1950s to 2009. |
Matongo,Albert B | History Ph D | 2000/01 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
| United States Policy Toward Zambia And Southern Africa: From Eisenhower To Reagan. |
Mayer,Thomas Frederick | History Ph D | 1983/06 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| The Life and Thought of Thomas Starkey. |
Mazis,John Athanasios | History Ph D | 1998/12 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| The Greek Benevolant Association of Odessa (1871-1917) Private Charity and Diaspora Leadership in Late Imperial Russia. |
McDowell,Winston C | History Ph D | 1996/06 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
| The Ideology of Black Entrepreneurship and Its Impact on the Development of Black Harlem, 1930-1955. |
McInneshin,Michael Todd | History Ph D | 2009/01 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| The Landscape History of the Lower Pangani Basin, 1848-1916. |
McInneshin,Seulky | History Ph D | 2005/08 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Remapping Southern Experiences: African Americans and the Forging of Race, Class, and Southern Identities, 1877-1898. |
Mckeown,Kathleen | History Ph D | 2015/10 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| Tracking Wildlife Conservation in Southern Africa: Histories of Protected Areas in Gorongosa and Maputaland. |
Meerse,Katherine Clare | History Ph D | 1999/05 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Progressives for Peace and Social Justice: The Minnesota Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1921-1941. |
Mega,Thomas Burns | History Ph D | 1985/11 | | | - Howe Jr,John R
| Political and Constitutional Development in Pennsylvania: 1739 - 1780. |
Meyer,Melissa Lee | History Ph D | 1985/09 | | | - Howe Jr,John R
| Tradition and the Market: The Social Relations of the White Earth Anishinaabeg, 1889 - 1920. |
Meyer,Paulette Ann | History Ph D | 1997/06 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| Women Doctors Refashion a Men's Profession: Medical Careers of Nineteenth-Century Zurich University Graduates in Germany |
Michaelson,Aaron Neil | History Ph D | 1999/10 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| The Russian Orthodox Missionary Society, 1870-1917: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise. |
Michney,Todd Michael | History Ph D | 2004/06 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| Changing Neighborhoods: Race and Upward Mobility in Southeast Cleveland, 1930-1980. |
Miller,Clark Leonard | History Ph D | 1983/08 | | | - Green,George David
| "Let Us Die to Make Men Free", Political Terrorism in Post-Reconstruction Mississippi, 1887-1896. |
Miller,James William | History Ph D | 1985/12 | | | - Wright,William E
| Engelbert Dollfuss and Austrian Agriculture: An Authoritarian Democrat and His Policies. |
Miller,Matthew Lee | History Ph D | 2006/11 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| American Philanthropy among Russians: The Work of the YMCA, 1900-1940. |
Mishra,Pritipuspa Amarnath | History Ph D | 2008/12 | | | - Skaria,Ajay
| Divided Loyalties: Citizenship, Regional Identity and Nationalism in Eastern India (1866-1931). |
Mitchell,Kenneth | History Ph D | 2002/07 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| In Pursuit of Empire: French and Spanish Colonialism in North America, 1590-1640. |
Moerer,Andrea Kristine | History Ph D | 2013/12 | | | - Chambers,Sarah C
- McNamara,Patrick J
| Changing Chapultepec: Construction, Consumption, and Cultural Politics in a Mexico City Forest, 1934-1944. |
Molosiwa,Phuthego Phuthego | History Ph D | 2013/09 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| "The Tragedy of the Ababirwas": Cattle Herding, Power and the Socio- Environmental History of the Ethnic Identity of the Babirwa in Botswana, 1920 to the Present. |
Moorman,Marissa Jean | History Ph D | 2004/05 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| "Feel Angolan with this Music": A Social History of Music and Nation, Lunada, Angola 1945-1975. |
Morera,Luis Xavier | History Ph D | 2010/05 | | | - Phillips Jr,William D
- Phillips,Carla Rahn
| Cities and Sovereigns: Ceremonial Receptions of Iberia as Seen from Below, 1350-1550. |
Morton,David S | History Ph D | 2015/05 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| Age of Concrete: Housing and the Imagination in Mozambique's Capital, c. 1950 to Recent Times. |
Mott,Lawrence Vanderleck | History Ph D | 1999/09 | | | - Phillips Jr,William D
| The Best Manned Fleet Ever Beheld The Catalan-Aragonese fleet in Sicily During the War of the Sicilian Vespers AD 1282-1295. |
Mouton,Michelle | History Ph D | 1997/12 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| From Nuturing the Nation to Purifying the Volk: Conflicts in the Implementation of German Family Policy, 1918-1945. |
Mudeka,Ireen | History Ph D | 2011/10 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| "We Faced Mabvuto": A Gendered Socio-economic History of Malawian Women's Migration and Survival in Harare, 1940-1980. |
Mulaudzi,Maanda | History Ph D | 2000/01 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Geiger,Susan Nash
| "U Shuma Bulasi" Agrarian Transformation In The Zoutpansberg District Of South Africa, Up To 1946. |
Mulcahy,Matthew Burke | History Ph D | 1999/08 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
- Howe Jr,John R
| Melancholy and Fatal Calamities: Natural Disasters and Colonial Society in the British Greater Caribbean, 1623-1781. |
Mullen,Shirley Annette | History Ph D | 1985/02 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| Organized Free Thought: The Religion of Unbelief in Victorian England. |
Mulwafu,Wapulumuka Oliver | History Ph D | 2000/01 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| The State, Conservation And Sustainability In A Peasant Economy In Malawi, 1860-1964. |
Mummey,Kevin Dean | History Ph D | 2015/01 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
- Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Women, Slavery, and Community on the Island of Mallorca, 1360-1390. |
Munochiveyi,Munyaradzi Bryn | History Ph D | 2008/10 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Giles-Vernick,Tamara L
| '"It was Difficult in Zimbabwe": A History of Imprisonment, Detention, and Confinement during Zimbabwe's Liberation Struggle, 1960- 1980'. |
Musemwa,Muchaparara | History Ph D | 2003/09 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Wagner,Michele Diane
| Struggles Over Water: The History and Politics of Urban Water Supply Services in Makokoba Township, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 1894-1992. |
Musiiwa,Tafataona E | History Ph D | 2002/05 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
- Allman,Jean M
| Sustainability, Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge and Gender on Smallholder Irrigation Schemes in Manicaland, 1928-1997: Rethinking Peasant Agrarian History in Zimbabwe. |
Myers,Polly M | History Ph D | 2008/08 | | | - Evans,Sara M
- Deutsch,Tracey A
- Murphy,Kevin
| Shop Traditions: Constructing and Maintaining the Boeing Family at the Boeing Company. |
Nakamura,Masako | History Ph D | 2010/08 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- May,Elaine Tyler
| Families Precede Nation and Race?: Marriage, Migration, and Integration of Japanese War Brides after World War II. |
Namakkal,Jessica L | History Ph D | 2013/05 | | | - Lorcin,Patricia M E
| Transgressing the Boundaries of the Nation: Decolonization, Migration, and Identity in France/India, 1910-1972. |
N'Daou,Saidou | History Ph D | 1993/03 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| History, Memories and Social Differentiation in Sangalan (1850-1958). |
Neiwert,Rachel A | History Ph D | 2009/08 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| Savages or Citizens? Children, Education, and the British Empire, 1899-1950. |
Nelson,Matt Andrew | History Ph D | 2018/08 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| Relieved of These Little Chores: Agricultural Neighbor Labor, Family Labor, and Kinship in the United States 1790-1940 |
Nelson,Richard W | History Ph D | 1986/12 | | - Social/Philosophic Fdn Educ
| - Noble,David W
| Two Machiavellian Moments in Twentieth-Century American Political Culture. |
Ness,John P | History Ph D | 1998/07 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
| The Southwestern Frontier During the Ming Dynasty. |
Norrgard,Chantal M | History Ph D | 2008/08 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| Seasons of Change: Treaty Rights, Labor, and the Historical Memory of Work Among Lake Superior Ojibwe, 1870-1942. |
Norton,David Andrew | History Ph D | 2005/12 | | | - Phillips,Carla Rahn
| Women in the City: Women as Economic and Legal Actors in Valladolid, Spain: 1580-1620. |
Nyachega,Nicholas | History Ph D | 2024/07 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Isaacman,Allen F
| ‘Seeing Like Borderlanders’: Border(lands) Controls, Mobilities, Contestations, and Everyday Life in North-eastern Zimbabwe, c.1880s to 1980s. |
Odinga,Agnes | History Ph D | 2001/01 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Geiger,Susan Nash
| Women's Medicine and Fertility: A Social History of Reproduction in South Nyanza, Kenya, 1920-1980. |
Oneill,James Warner | History Ph D | 1984/06 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| Popular Culture and Peasant Rebellion in Pre-Famine Ireland. |
Onishi,Yuichiro | History Ph D | 2004/07 | | | - Roediger,David R
| Giant Steps of the Black Freedom Struggle: Trans-Pacific Connections Between Black America and Japan in the Twentieth Century. |
Osborne,Troy D | History Ph D | 2007/02 | | | - Tracy,James D
| Saints into Citizens: Mennonite Discipline, Social Control, and Religious Toleration in the Dutch Golden Age. |
Otremba,Eric J | History Ph D | 2012/08 | | | - Fischer,Kirsten
| Enlightened Institutions: Science, Plantations, and Slavery in the English Atlantic, 1626-1700. |
Paltzer,Daniel Minnekus | History Ph D | 2014/11 | | | - Shank,John B
- Clark,Anna Kirsten
| Clashing Legacies: Narratives of Continuity and Rupture in Restoration Britain's Ideological Constructions of the Past. |
Pan,Tsung-Yi | History Ph D | 2011/04 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
| Constructing Tiananmen Square as a Realm of Memory: National Salvation, Revolutionary Tradition, and Political Modernity in Twentieth-Century China. |
Park,Sharon | History Ph D | 2016/05 | | | - May,Elaine Tyler
| Constructing Americans’ Responsibility to Give: Shifting Debates about Foreign and Humanitarian Aid to Child Refugees, 1945–1989 |
Parker Jr,Charles H | History Ph D | 1993/06 | | | - Tracy,James D
| The Reformation of Community: The Diaconate and Municipal Poor Relief in Holland, 1572-1617. |
Patters,N'Jai-An E | History Ph D | 2010/08 | | | - Kunzel,Regina G
- Murphy,Kevin
| Deviants and Dissidents: Children's Sexuality and the Limits of Liberation . |
Patterson,Tiffany Ruby | History Ph D | 1995/12 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| "You Got Tuh Go There Tuh Know": Social History as Knowable Through the Writings of Zora Neale Hurston, 1890-1945. |
Paul,Andrew | History Ph D | 2014/05 | | | - May,Lary Linden
- Deutsch,Tracey A
| The Roots of Post-Racial Neoliberalism in Blacklist Era Hollywood. |
Pawlicki,Sarah Katharine | History Ph D | 2023/06 | | - Amer Indian and Indig Studies
- Heritage Studies & Public Hist
| - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Gerbner,Katharine
| ‘I Hear That God Saith Work’: Mortality and Labor in Massachusetts, 1619-1690 |
Perez,Bernadette J | History Ph D | 2017/07 | | | - Chang,David Anthony
- Lee,Erika G
| Before the Sun Rises: Contesting Power and Cultivating Nations in the Colorado Beet Fields |
Perica,Vjekoslav | History Ph D | 1998/03 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Religious Revival and Ethnic Mobilization in Communist Yugoslavia: A History of the Yugoslav Religious Question from the Reform Era to the Civil War, 1965-1991 |
Perry,David M | History Ph D | 2006/12 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
- Lower,Michael T
| "Mirabilia in mari veniendo:" Venice, Stolen Relics, and the Aftermath of the Fourth Crusade. |
Peters,Dolores Ann | History Ph D | 1991/01 | | | - Munholland,John K
| Social Catholic Sources of Family Reform in France: Contributions to the National Debate, 1920-1947. |
Petersen,Tore Tingvold | History Ph D | 1986/11 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
| "The Special Relationship That Never Was": American Policy Towards Britain and France, 1953-1959. |
Peterson,Derek R | History Ph D | 2000/08 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Allman,Jean M
| Writing Gikuyu Christian Literacy and Ethnic Debate in Northern Central Kenya, 1908-1952. |
Phelps,Nicole M | History Ph D | 2008/03 | | | - Good,David Franklin
- Welke,Barbara Young
| Sovereignty, Citizenship, and the New Liberal Order: US-Habsburg Relations and the Transformation of International Politics, 1880-1924. |
Phillips,Katrina Margaret Wilber | History Ph D | 2015/05 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| "We All Have a Part to Play": Salvage Tourism in American Indian Historical Pageantry. |
Pierpont,Katherine Elizabeth | History Ph D | 2023/07 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
- Karras,Ruth Mazo
| The Public Body: Sex Work in Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Occitania |
Pilz,Jeff J | History Ph D | 1998/12 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
| "Bread Cast Upon the Waters": The Efforts of George Henry Evans to Reform his America. |
Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena | History Ph D | 1999/06 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| "I Saw a Nightmare..." Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976. |
Poletti,Bailey R | History Ph D | 2020/12 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
- Watkins,John A
| Final Preparations: The Emergence of Human Agency in Christian Apocalyptic Speculation in the 10th and 11th Centuries |
Poska,Allyson Marie | History Ph D | 1992/02 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
- Phillips,Carla Rahn
| Regulating the People: The Catholic Reformation in Seventeenth-Century Spain. |
Prousis,Theophilus C | History Ph D | 1982/12 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Russian Cultural Response to the Greek War of Independence (l821-l830). |
Pruden,Elizabeth Marie | History Ph D | 1996/02 | | | - Howe Jr,John R
- Menard,Russell Robert
| Family, Community, Economy: Women's Activity in South Carolina, 1670-1770. |
Qin,Fang | History Ph D | 2011/04 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
- Waltner,Ann B
Quijada,Pedro F | History Ph D | 2021/05 | | | - McNamara,Patrick J
| The Forgotten El Salvador: A Study of the Emergence and Downfall of the “Bright Spot” of Central America, 1948-1978 |
Qureshi,Basit Hammad | History Ph D | 2017/06 | | | - Lower,Michael T
- Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Crusade, Crisis, and Statecraft in Latin Christendom: The Case of Fulk V of Anjou (1090-1143) |
Ragnow,Marguerite | History Ph D | 2006/03 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| The Worldly Cares of Abbess Richildis: Power, Property, and Female Religious in 11th-Century Anjou. |
Rayson,David T | History Ph D | 1996/10 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
- Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| "A Great Matter to Tell:" Indians, Europeans, and Africans From the Mississippian Era Through the Yamasee War in the North American Southeast, 1500-1720 |
Redix,Erik M | History Ph D | 2012/11 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Child,Brenda J
| The Murder of Joe White: Ojibwe Leadership and Colonialism in Wisconsin. |
Reis,Joao Jose | History Ph D | 1983/03 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| Bahian Society on the Eve of the l835 Rebellion. |
Reisdorfer,Kathryn Helen | History Ph D | 1993/07 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| Seeing Through the Screen: An Examination of Women in Soviet and German Popular Cinema in the Inter-War Years. |
Rene,Christopher George | History Ph D | 2020/10 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
Richtmyer,Eric W | History Ph D | 2010/05 | | | - Wolfe,Thomas
| Beyond Commitment: Intellectual Engagement in Politics in Postwar France, 1944-1962. |
Rios,Ana Maria | History Ph D | 2002/09 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| "My Mother Was a Slave, Not I!" Black Peasantry and Regional Politics in Southeast Brazil, 1870-1940. |
Roberts,Evan Warwick | History Ph D | 2007/06 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| Her Real Sphere? Married Women's Labor Force Participation in the United States, 1860-1940. |
Robertson,Andrea D | History Ph D | 2007/05 | | | - Fischer,Kirsten
- Murphy,Kevin
| Enemies Incarnate: Religion, Sex, Violence and Contests for Power in New England, 1636-1638. |
Robison,Kira Lynn | History Ph D | 2012/05 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
- Lower,Michael T
| Anathomia: Physicians, the Medical School, and Teaching the Body in Medieval Bologna. |
Rodriguez,Chantel R | History Ph D | 2013/07 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Welke,Barbara Young
| Health on the Line: The Politics of Citizenship and the Railroad Bracero Program of World War II. |
Rogers,Kim Lacy | History Ph D | 1982/08 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
| Humanity and Desire: Civil Rights Leaders and the Desegregation of New Orleans, 1954-1966. |
Ronnander,Chad D | History Ph D | 2003/11 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| Many Paths to the Pine: Mdewakanton Dakotas, Fur Traders, Ojibwes, and the United States in Wisconsin's Chippewa Valley, 1815- 1837. |
Rook-Koepsel,Emily Esther | History Ph D | 2010/08 | | | - Skaria,Ajay
| Unity, Democracy, and the All India Phenomenon, 1940-1946. |
Rosenthal,Anton B | History Ph D | 1990/08 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| Controlling the Line: Worker Strategies and Transport Capital on the Railroads of Ecuador, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, 1916-1950. |
Ross,James Baker | History Ph D | 1989/08 | | | - Green,George David
| Taconite: The Science of Design. |
Roubinek,Eric S | History Ph D | 2014/12 | | | - Weitz,Eric D
- Maynes,Mary Jo
| Re-Imagined Communities: Racial, National, and Colonial Visions in National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy, 1933-1943. |
Russo,Jean Elliott | History Ph D | 1999/03 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| "The Interest of the County": Population, Economy, and Society in Eighteenth-Century Somerset County, Maryland. |
Ryan Van Zee,Marynel | History Ph D | 2006/06 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| Between Essence and Expertise: German Women Economists, 1890-1933, and the Shifting Ground of Social Reform. |
Ryan,Michael A | History Ph D | 2005/07 | | | - Phillips Jr,William D
- Phillips,Carla Rahn
| That the Truth May Be Known: Prophecy and Society in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon. |
Ryden,David B | History Ph D | 1999/12 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| Producing a Peculiar Commodity: Jamaican Sugar Production, Slave Life, and Planter Profits on the Eve of Abolition, 1750-1807. |
Sabatini,Thomas Joseph | History Ph D | 2006/11 | | | - Roediger,David R
| A Nation Made of Steel: The Remaking of the White Republic in Ohio's Mahoning Valley, 1915-1942. |
Saladin,Christopher Schley | History Ph D | 2023/08 | | - Classical and Near Eastern Rel
- Medieval Studies
| - Gallia,Andrew B
| Resurrecting Carthage: Mapping Memory and Identity in the Landscape of the Roman Colony, c. 146 BCE – 200 CE |
Salata,Debra A | History Ph D | 2003/01 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Sugar and Spices: The Trade of Guillelmus Basquese in Late Medieval Mediterranean Europe. |
Salerno,Beth A | History Ph D | 2000/02 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Networks And Spheres: Female Anti-Slavery Societies In The United States, 1820-1860. |
Salisbury,Robert Sewar | History Ph D | 1982/08 | | | - Berman,Hyman
| William Windom: The Public Career. |
Sargent,Walter Leslie | History Ph D | 2004/12 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
- Howe Jr,John R
| Answering the Call to Arms: The Social Composition of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Massachusetts, 1775-1783. |
Saute,Alda | History Ph D | 2000/08 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Allman,Jean M
| The African-Mission Encounter and Education in Mozambique: The Anglican Mission of Santo Agostinho-Maciene, 1926/8-1974. |
Sayer,John William | History Ph D | 1991/07 | | | - Murphy,Paul L
| Social Movements in the Courtroom: The Wounded Knee Trials, 1973-1975. |
Schloff,Linda Elaine M | History Ph D | 1998/04 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| Building Community, Building Bridges: Jewish American Women's Organizations in Minneapolis, 1945-1975 |
Schultz,Robert Troger | History Ph D | 1991/07 | | | - Noble,David W
| Beyond the Fall: Class Conflict and Social, Cultural, and Political Change, Minnesota, 1916-1935. |
Schumacher,Leslie Rogne | History Ph D | 2012/07 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| A "Lasting Solution": The Eastern Question and British Imperialism, 1875-1878. |
Schwartz,Allison P | History Ph D | 2022/08 | | | - May,Elaine Tyler
- Welke,Barbara Young
| Banking on a Woman’s Worth: Personhood and America’s New Patriarchy of Debt, 1968-2008 |
Seda,Abraham Tapiwa | History Ph D | 2023/08 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
Sherman,Heidi M | History Ph D | 2008/07 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| Barbarians Come to Market: The Emporia of Western Eurasia from 500 BC to AD 1000. |
Shinozuka,Jeannie Natsuko | History Ph D | 2009/06 | | | - Gabaccia,Donna
- Waltner,Ann B
| From a "Contagious" to a "Poisonous Yellow Peril"?: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Public Health and Agriculture, 1890s - 1950. |
Shoemaker,Nancy Lynne | History Ph D | 1991/05 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| The American Indian Recovery: Demography and the Family, 1900-1980. |
Sienna,Noam | History Ph D | 2020/06 | | | - Schroeter,Daniel J
| Making Jewish Books in North Africa, 1700-1900 |
Simer,Christopher J | History Ph D | 1999/04 | | | - Kieft,David
| Apocalyptic Visions: Fear of Aerial Attack in Britain 1920-1938. |
Sinke,Suzanne Marie | History Ph D | 1993/07 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| Home is Where you Build it: Dutch Immigrant Women in the United States, 1880-1920. |
Sizer,Michael Alan | History Ph D | 2008/05 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
| "Making Revolution Medieval: Revolt and Political Culture in Late Medieval Paris." |
Slade,Virgil Charles | History Ph D | 2021/03 | | | - Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| Sport in South Africa: The ‘Ideal Body’ and the Limitations of Political Equality and ‘Reconciliation’ in the Post-apartheid State, c. 1900-2020 |
Smit,Timothy James | History Ph D | 2009/09 | | | - Reyerson,Kathryn L
| Commerce and Coexistence: Muslims in the Economy and Society of Norman Sicily. |
Smith,Susannah L | History Ph D | 1997/06 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Soviet Arts Policy, Folk Music, and National Identity: The Piatnitskii State Russian Folk Choir, 1927-1945. |
Snowden,Emma G | History Ph D | 2021/06 | | | - Lower,Michael T
- Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Bridging the Strait: The Shared History of Iberia and North Africa in Medieval Muslim and Christian Chronicles |
Snyder,Edward N | History Ph D | 2013/12 | | | - Weitz,Eric D
| Work not Alms: The Bethel Mission to East Africa and German Protestant debates over Eugenics, 1880-1933. |
Sobek,Matthew J | History Ph D | 1997/11 | | | - Ruggles,Steven
| A Century of Work: Gender, Labor Force Participation, and Occupational Attainment in the United States, 1880-1990. |
Soderstrom,Mark R | History Ph D | 2004/08 | | | - Roediger,David R
- Noble,David W
| Weeds in Linnaeus's Garden: Science and Segregation, Eugenics, and the Rhetoric of Racism at the University of Minnesota and the Big Ten, 1900-45. |
Soine,Aeleah H | History Ph D | 2009/08 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| From Nursing Sisters to a Sisterhood of Nurses: German Nurses and Transnational Professionalization, 1836-1918. |
Soland,Birgitte | History Ph D | 1993/09 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| Gender and the Social Order: Danish Women in the 1920's. |
Spear,Jennifer M | History Ph D | 1999/07 | | | - Roediger,David R
- Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| "Whiteness and the Purity of Blood": Race, Sexuality, and Social Order in Colonial Louisiana. |
Stadtwald,Kurt Werner | History Ph D | 1991/05 | | | - Tracy,James D
| "When O Rome Will You Cease to Hiss?": The Image of the Pope in the Politics of German Humanism. |
Stadum,Beverly Ann | History Ph D | 1987/02 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
| "Maybe They Will Appreciate What I Done and Struggled": Poor Women and Their Families--Charity Cases in Minneapolis, 1900-1930. |
Stahl,Jason Michael | History Ph D | 2008/06 | | | - May,Lary Linden
| Selling Conservatism: Think Tanks, Conservative Ideology, and the Undermining of Liberalism, 1945-Present. |
Staples,Kathryn Jean | History Ph D | 2006/06 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Daughters of London: Inheritance Practice in the Late Middle Ages. |
Steele,David F | History Ph D | 1992/01 | | | - Wright,William E
| Alfred E. Frauenfeld and the Development of the Nazi Party in Vienna, 1930-1933. |
Stenberg,Kim Yoonok | History Ph D | 1993/12 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| Gender, Class, and London Local Politics, 1870-1914. |
Steuer,Kenneth A | History Ph D | 1998/05 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
| "Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American Y.M.C.A and Prisoner-of-war Diplomacy Among the Central Power Nations During World War I, 1914-1921". |
Steuer,Susan Marie Burns | History Ph D | 2001/05 | | | - Hanawalt,Barbara A
| Widows and Religious Vocation: Options and Decisions in the Medieval Province of York. |
Stirens,Michael Wagner | History Ph D | 1985/06 | | | - Lehmberg,Stanford
| First Earl of Clare--John Holles. |
Strasma,Mary G | History Ph D | 2010/08 | | | - Chambers,Sarah C
| Histories in its Walls: La Moneda, Memory and Reconciliation in Post- Authoritarian Chile. |
Strasser,Ulrike | History Ph D | 1997/03 | | | - Tracy,James D
- Pomata,Gianna
| "Aut Murus Aut Maritus? Women's Lives in Counter-Reformation Munich (1579-1651)" |
Sunseri,Thaddeus R | History Ph D | 1993/02 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Maynes,Mary Jo
| A Social History of Cotton Production in German East Africa, 1884-1915. |
Suppe,Frederick Charle | History Ph D | 1981/06 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
| Military Institutions on the Welsh Marches: Shropshire, 1066-1300. |
Swanson,John Charles | History Ph D | 1996/07 | | | - Wright,William E
| A Search for Stability in an Era of Transition: Austria and Hungary in the New European Order, 1918-1922 |
Swedo,Elizabeth M | History Ph D | 2012/06 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
- Lower,Michael T
| Icelandic Church and Society, 1300-1550. |
Tabor,James Alan | History Ph D | 2003/05 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| In the Service of the Russian Tsar: The Life and Work of Konstantin Mikhailovich Bazili, 1809-1884. |
Taparata,Evan | History Ph D | 2018/03 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Gabaccia,Donna
| No Asylum for Mankind: The Creation of Refugee Law and Policy in the United States, 1776-1951 |
Taylor,Michael J | History Ph D | 1997/09 | | | - Kieft,David
- Munholland,John K
| Regionalism and Religious Conflict in Imperial Germany, 1914-1918 |
Taylor,Thomas William | History Ph D | 1990/06 | | | - Maynes,Mary Jo
| The Crisis of Youth in Wilhelmine Germany. |
Tebbenhoff,Edward Henr | History Ph D | 1992/06 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| The Momentum of Tradition: Dutch Society and Identity in Schenectady, 1660-1790. |
Thaler,Peter M | History Ph D | 1996/12 | | | - Good,David Franklin
| Constructing National Identity in an Advanced Society: The Austrian Experience |
Thomas,Kathleen M | History Ph D | 2005/08 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Norling,Lisa Ann
| "Their Habits were Startling": The Perceptions, Strategies, and Erasing of a Mixed-Heritage Family in the Old Northwest. |
Thompson,Drew Anthony | History Ph D | 2013/06 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| AIM, FOCUS, SHOOT: Photographic Narratives of War, Independence, and Imagination in Mozambique, 1950 to 1993. |
Thompson,Guy Desmond | History Ph D | 2000/11 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| Cultivating Conflict: 'Improved' Agriculture and Modernization in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1920-1965. |
Thompson,John Malcolm | History Ph D | 1989/10 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| In Dubious Service: The Recruitment and Stabilization of West African Maritime Labor by the French Colonial Military, 1659-1900. |
Thumbran,Janeke Deodata | History Ph D | 2019/01 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
| The ‘Coloured Question’ and the University of Pretoria: Separate Development, Trusteeship and Self Reliance, 1933-2012 |
Tochterman,Brian L | History Ph D | 2011/12 | | | - Murphy,Kevin
| Welcome to Fear City: The Cultural Narrative of New York City, 1945-1980. |
Todd,Thomas Marshall | History Ph D | 1981/03 | | | - Chambers,Clarke A
Tone-Pah-Hote,Jenny Elizabeth | History Ph D | 2009/07 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| Envisioning Nationhood: Kiowa Expressive Culture, 1875-1939. |
Treuer,Anton Steven | History Ph D | 1997/09 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
- Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
| The Assassination of Hole in the Day |
Trine,Mari Kimberly | History Ph D | 2000/06 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| The Politics of Pleasure: Sexuality in Radical Movements for Liberation and the Women's Liberation Movement, 1968-1975. |
Tropp,Jacob Abram | History Ph D | 2002/06 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| Roots and Rights in the Transkei: Colonialism, Natural Resources, and Social Change, 1880 to 1940. |
Trutor,Jonathan William | History Ph D | 2011/08 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
- Lorcin,Patricia M E
| "Please Stand By: Reconstruction, Decolonization and Security in British and French Public Information Films in the Postwar Era, 1945-1965." |
Tuennerman-Kaplan,Laura Ann | History Ph D | 1997/02 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Helping Others, Helping Ourselves: Philanthropic Communities in Cleveland, Ohio 1880-1930 |
Tun Tun,Heider Ismael | History Ph D | 2021/09 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
- Human Rights
| - McNamara,Patrick J
- Chambers,Sarah C
| The Emergence of Human Rights in the Mayan World: Rural Church and Indigenous Activism in Guatemala, 1943-1983 |
Ulep,Catherine Imaikalani | History Ph D | 2024/07 | | - Amer Indian and Indig Studies
| - Chang,David Anthony
| Makaʻāinana Wāhine: Clothing, Power, and the Sex-for-Goods Trade in Nineteenth-Century Hawai‘i |
Urban,Andrew Theodore | History Ph D | 2009/06 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Gabaccia,Donna
| An Intimate World: Race, Migration, and Chinese and Irish Domestic Servants in the United States, 1850-1920. |
Urness,Carol L | History Ph D | 1982/06 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
Vanburkleo,Sandra Fran | History Ph D | 1988/01 | | | - Murphy,Paul L
| "That Our Pure Republican Principles Might not Wither": Kentucky's Relief Crisis and the Pursuit of "Moral Justice," 1818-1826. |
Vandenberg-Daves,Jodi Ellen | History Ph D | 1995/09 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| "Changing Classes": Working-Class Women, Higher Education, and Upward Mobility 1950-1985. |
Vang,Nengher Naova | History Ph D | 2010/07 | | | - Lee,Erika G
| Dreaming of Home, Dreaming of Land: Displacements and Hmong Transnational Politics, 1975-2010. |
Vann Sprecher,Tiffany Dawn | History Ph D | 2013/11 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| Priest as Criminal: Community Regulation of Priests in the Archdeaconry of Paris, 1483-1505. |
Venditto,Elizabeth | History Ph D | 2014/03 | | | - Gabaccia,Donna
- Lorcin,Patricia M E
| Nation-Building and Catholic Assistance to Migrants in Italy's Transition from Land of Emigration to Immigration, 1861-1990. |
Vig,Paul Steven | History Ph D | 2018/09 | | - Development Stdy/Social Chg
| - Pohlandt-McCormick,Helena
- Isaacman,Allen F
| Hunters and After Riders: A History of Hunting and the Making of Race in the Waterberg, 1840s-Present |
Vink,Marcus Paulus | History Ph D | 1998/07 | | | - Tracy,James D
| Encounters on the Opposite Coast. Cross-cultural Contacts Between the Dutch East India Company and the Nayaka State of Madurai in the Seventeenth Century. |
Vovchenko,Dennis | History Ph D | 2008/08 | | | - Stavrou,Theofanis G
| Containing Balkan Nationalism: Imperial Russia and Ottoman Christians (1856-1912). |
Waldfogel,Sabra | History Ph D | 1986/07 | | | - Menard,Russell Robert
| The Body Beautiful, The Body Hateful: Feminine Body Image and the Culture of Consumption in 20th-Century America. |
Waldron,FlorenceMae | History Ph D | 2003/04 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Gender and the Quebecois Migration to New England, 1870-1930: A Comparative Case Study. |
Walsh,Eileen Patricia | History Ph D | 1994/07 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| The Last Resort: Northern Minnesota Tourism and the Integration of Rural and Urban Worlds, 1900-1950. |
Walton,Gary Robert | History Ph D | 1991/10 | | | - Wright,William E
| Men and the Military: A Socio-Demographic Study of the Habsburg Military from 1740 to 1790. |
Wang,Gengwu | History Ph D | 2024/09 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Waltner,Ann B
| Letters Live: Examine Chinese Migrant Families through Migrants’ Letters from the 1900s to the 1940s |
Wang,Luo | History Ph D | 2018/05 | | | - Karras,Ruth Mazo
| The Gothic Saints and Their Mystical Songs: Performing Sanctity in the Thirteenth-Century Diocese of Liège |
Weaver Olson,Nathan W | History Ph D | 2017/08 | | | - Chambers,Sarah C
| A Republic of Lost Peoples: Race, Status, and Community in the Eastern Andes of Charcas at the Turn of the Seventeenth Century |
Weber,Kent Joseph | History Ph D | 2020/08 | | | - Lee,Erika G
- Chang,David Anthony
| Chinese Exclusion and U.S. Empire in Hawai’i and Cuba, 1874-1943 |
Weiskopf,Julie Marie | History Ph D | 2011/05 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
- Wagner,Michele Diane
| Resettling Buha: a Social History of Resettled Communities Kigoma Region, Tanzania, 1933-1975. |
Wheeler,Leigh Ann | History Ph D | 1998/04 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| Rescuing Sex from Prudery and Prurience: Women's Anti-Obscenity Reform on the Local and National Level, 1911-1935. |
Whitfield,Christina Elizabeth | History Ph D | 1999/06 | | | - Evans,Sara M
| No Time to Play: Tobacco-Growing Families and the Great Depression. |
Williams,Blair Robert-Wilton | History Ph D | 2018/08 | | | - Mizuno,Hiromi
| Making Japan’s National Game: Baseball, Bushidō, and Discourses of National Identity, 1868-2008 |
Williams,Elizabeth | History Ph D | 2017/07 | | - Fem & Critical Sexuality Stds
| - Clark,Anna Kirsten
- Lorcin,Patricia M E
| Sexual Trusteeship: Constructing Race and Sexuality in Colonial Kenya, 1885-1963 |
Williams,Kate | History Ph D | 2012/08 | | | - Obrien-Kehoe,Jean Maria
- Child,Brenda J
| Cyd-Safiad (Standing Together): The Politics of Alliance of Welsh and American Indian Rights' Movements, 1960s-Present. |
Wilz,Patrick G | History Ph D | 2021/08 | | | - Wolfe,Thomas
- Lorcin,Patricia M E
| The New Technological Sublime and the Reimagining of Print Journalism in the United States and Britain, 1960-1995 |
Wimmer,Linda Rebecca | History Ph D | 1996/08 | | | - Schwartz,Stuart B
| African Producers, European Merchants, Indigenous Consumers: Brazilian Tobacco in the Canadian Fur Trade, 1550-1821. |
Windel,Aaron Matthew | History Ph D | 2010/10 | | | - Clark,Anna Kirsten
| Governing Community: Anthropology, Education, and Cooperation in British East and Central Africa between the Wars. |
Wing,John T | History Ph D | 2009/07 | | | - Phillips,Carla Rahn
- Casale,Giancarlo
| Roots of empire: State formation and the politics of timber access in early modern Spain, 1556-1759. |
Winkler,Anne | History Ph D | 2001/05 | | | - Valdes,Dennis
| Good Neighbors: Popular Internationalists and United States' Relations with Mexico and the Caribbean Region (1918-1929). |
Wise,Michael D | History Ph D | 2012/02 | | | - Chang,David Anthony
- Jones,Susan D
| Living Like a Wolf: Predation and Production in the Montana-Alberta Borderlands. |
Wisnoski III,Alexander Leonard | History Ph D | 2015/08 | | | - Chambers,Sarah C
| Contesting Husbands and Masters: Law, Society, and the Marital Household in Colonial Lima. |
Witherell,Larry L | History Ph D | 1992/12 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| Rebel on the Right: Henry Page Croft and the Politics of Edwardian Britain, 1903-1914. |
Wolf,Anne Marie | History Ph D | 2003/06 | | | - Phillips Jr,William D
- Phillips,Carla Rahn
| Juan de Segovia and Western Perspectives on Islam in the Fifteenth Century. |
Wolff,Robert S | History Ph D | 1998/01 | | | - Green,George David
- Maynes,Mary Jo
| Racial Imaginings: Schooling and Society in Industrial Baltimore, 1860-1920 |
Wood,Richard Eugene | History Ph D | 1985/05 | | | | Evangelical Quakers in the Mississippi Valley, 1854-1894. |
Woodard,David E | History Ph D | 1996/11 | | | - Brauer,Kinley J
| Sectionalism, Politics, and Foreign Policy: Duff Green and Southern Economic and Political Expansion, 1825-1865 |
Wrathall,John D | History Ph D | 1994/07 | | | - Vecoli,Rudolph J
| American Manhood and the Y.M.C.A., 1868-1920. |
Yao,Yusheng | History Ph D | 1999/06 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
| National Salvation through Education: Tao Xingzhi's Educational Radicalism. |
Ye,Zhiguo | History Ph D | 2010/07 | | | - Waltner,Ann B
- Wang,Liping
| Big is Modern: The Making of Wuhan as a Mega-City in Early Twentieth Century China, 1889-1957. |
Yelengi,Nkasa T | History Ph D | 1996/01 | | | - Isaacman,Allen F
| The Impacts of the Construction and Development of the Port Francqui-Bukama Railroad on the Rural Population of Katanga, Belgian Congo. The Case of the Luba of Haut-Lomami (1923-1960). |
Yuan,Zujie | History Ph D | 2002/06 | | | - Farmer,Edward L
- Waltner,Ann B
| Dressing the State, Dressing the Society: Ritual, Morality and Conspicuous Consumption in Ming Dynasty China. |
Zanoni,Elizabeth Ann | History Ph D | 2011/07 | | | - Gabaccia,Donna
- Lee,Erika G
| Gendering Nations of Consumers: Migration and Commerce between Italy, the U.S., and Argentina, 1880 to 1940. |
Zastoupil,Lynn Barry | History Ph D | 1985/12 | | | - Altholz,Josef L
| J.S. Mill and the British Empire: An Intellectual Biography. |
Zhu,Tianxiao | History Ph D | 2021/06 | | | - Isett,Christopher Mills
| Secret Trails: Food and Trade in Late Maoist China, 1960-1978 |
Ziezulewicz,William Charles | History Ph D | 1981/12 | | | - Bachrach,Bernard
Zimo,Ann E | History Ph D | 2016/08 | | | - Lower,Michael T
| Muslims in the Landscape: A Social Map of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Thirteenth Century |