Graduate School

Graduate Programs At-A-Glance

Earth and Environmental Sciences (Duluth)
Program Contacts
Director of Graduate Studies (MS, minor)Latisha A Brengmanlbrengma@umn.edu218/726-7586
Graduate Program Coordinator (MS, minor)Erinn M Rasmussonberg1276@umn.edu218/726-8385
Program Website

Earth and Environmental Sciences (Duluth)
Highest Degree OfferedMasters
Graduate Education Faculty17
  -Tenure Track4
Student Headcount (majors)17
Student Headcount (minors)0
Current Student Objectives
Earth & Environ. Sciences M S0
  -Plan A0
  -Plan B0
  -Plan C0
Geological Sciences (nondegree)0
Earth Sciences (minor)0
Earth Sciences M S16
  -Plan A8
Geological Sciences M S1
  -Plan A1