Graduate School

Graduate Programs At-A-Glance

Management of Technology (Twin Cities)
Program Contacts
Director of Graduate Studies (MS MOT, minor)Patria M Lawtonpmlawton@umn.edu612/626-8514
Graduate Program Coordinator (minor)Madeleine Stevensonmsteven@umn.edu612/624-5747
Graduate Program Coordinator (MS MOT)Damian Damianidamian@umn.edu612/626-7870
Program Website

Management of Technology (Twin Cities)
Highest Degree OfferedMasters
Graduate Education Faculty27
  -Tenure Track0
Student Headcount (majors)12
Student Headcount (minors)3
Current Student Objectives
Management of Technology MSMOT12
  -Plan B11
  -Plan C0
Management of Technology (minor)3