Institution | College | Transcript Description | Degree | Grad/Profl |
UMNTC | AHCS | Bioethics M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | AHCS | Bioethics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | AHCS | Clinical Ethics Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | AHCS | Health Informatics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | AHCS | Health Informatics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | AHCS | Health Informatics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | AHCS | Master of Health Informatics M H I | M H I | professional |
UMNTC | CBS | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Ecology, Evolution and Behavior M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Microbial Engineering M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Plant and Microbial Biology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Plant and Microbial Biology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CBS | Plant and Microbial Biology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Addiction Counseling M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Addictions Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Advanced Sexual Health Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | graduate |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Applied Sciences Leadership M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Arts and Cultural Leadership M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Arts and Cultural Leadership Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Biological Sciences M B S | M B S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Civic Engagement M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Horticulture M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Human Sexuality Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Integrated Behavioral Health M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Leadership for Science Professionals Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Regulatory Affairs for Food Professionals Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Sex Therapy Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Sexual Health M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CCAPS | Transgender & Gender Diverse Health Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CDES | Advanced Wearable Products Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CDES | Architecture M Arch | M Arch | professional |
UMNTC | CDES | Architecture M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Design M F A | M F A | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Design M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Design Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Design Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Ecological Restoration in Landscape Architecture Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Human Factors and Ergonomics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Human Factors and Ergonomics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Human Factors and Ergonomics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Landscape Architecture M L A | M L A | professional |
UMNTC | CDES | Landscape Architecture M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Landscape Architecture Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Lighting Design Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Metropolitan Design Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CDES | Museum Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CDES | Product Design Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Agricultural Education & Communication M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Animal Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Animal Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Animal Sciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Applied Economics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Applied Economics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Applied Economics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Applied Plant Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Applied Plant Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Applied Plant Sciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Bioproducts and Biosystems Science, Eng and Mgmt M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Bioproducts and Biosystems Science, Engineering and Management Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Bioproducts and Biosystems Science, Engineering and Management Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Conservation Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Conservation Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Conservation Sciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Dietetics M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNTC | CFANS | Entomology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Entomology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Entomology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Food Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Food Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Food Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Land and Atmospheric Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Land and Atmospheric Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Land and Atmospheric Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Natural Resources Science and Management M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Natural Resources Science and Management Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Natural Resources Science and Management Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Nutrition M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Nutrition Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Nutrition Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Plant Pathology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Plant Pathology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Plant Pathology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Poultry Health Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CFANS | Water Resources Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Water Resources Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CFANS | Water Resources Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | American Indian and Indigenous Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | American Indian and Indigenous Studies Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | American Studies M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | American Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | American Studies Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Anthropology M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Anthropology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Anthropology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Applied Data Science and Statistics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Art History M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Art History Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Art History Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Art M F A | M F A | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Art Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures and Media M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures and Media Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures and Media Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Asian and Middle Eastern Studies M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Audiology Au D | Au D | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Cognitive Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Cognitive Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Cognitive Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Communication Studies M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Communication Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Communication Studies Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Comparative Literature M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Comparative Literature Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Comparative Literature Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Creative Writing M F A | M F A | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Development Studies and Social Change Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Early Modern Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Economics M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Economics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Economics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | English M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | English Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | English Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Feminist and Critical Sexuality Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Feminist Studies M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Feminist Studies Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | French M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | French Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | French Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Geographic Information Science M G I S | M G I S | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Geographic Information Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Geography M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Geography Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Geography Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Germanic Studies M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Germanic Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Germanic Studies Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Health Communication M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Heritage Studies and Public History M H S P H | M H S P H | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Heritage Studies and Public History Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Hispanic & Lusophone Lit, Cultures and Linguistics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Hispanic and Lusophone Lit, Culture and Linguistics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Hispanic and Lusophone Lit, Cultures, and Linguistics M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | History M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | History Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | History Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Human Rights M H R | M H R | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Human Rights Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Italian Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Linguistics M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Linguistics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Linguistics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Literacy and Rhetorical Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Mass Communication M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Mass Communication Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Mass Communication Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Medieval Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Moving Image, Media and Sound Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Music D M A | DMA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Music Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Music M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Music M M | M M | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Music Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Music Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Philosophy M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Philosophy Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Philosophy Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Political Psychology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Political Science M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Political Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Population Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Psychology M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Psychology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Psychology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender, and Sexuality Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Religious Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Sociology M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Sociology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Sociology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Speech-Language-Hearing Science M A | MA | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Statistics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Statistics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Statistics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Strategic Communication M A | MA | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Studies in Africa and African Diaspora Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Studies of Science and Technology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Technical Communication M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Technical Communication Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Technical Communication Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CLA | Theatre Arts M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Theatre Arts M F A | M F A | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Theatre Arts Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Theatre Arts Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CLA | Translational Sensory Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Astrophysics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Astrophysics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Astrophysics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Biomedical Engineering M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Biomedical Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Biomedical Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Engineering M Ch E | M Ch E | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Engineering M S Ch E | MS Ch E | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Physics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Physics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemical Physics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemistry M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemistry Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Chemistry Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Civil Engineering M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Civil Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Civil Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Computer Science M C S | M C S | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Computer Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Computer Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Computer Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Cyber Security Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Data Science for Chemical Engineering and Materials Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Data Science in Astrophysics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Data Science in Operations Research MS D S O R | MS D S O R | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Data Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Data Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Data Science Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Earth Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Earth Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Earth Sciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Electrical and Computer Engineering MS E C E | MS E C E | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Electrical Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Electrical Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Electrification Engineering Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Financial Mathematics M F M | MFM | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Financial Mathematics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Fundamentals of Quantitative Finance Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Geoengineering M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Geoengineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | History of Science, Technology and Medicine M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | History of Science, Technology and Medicine Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | History of Science, Technology and Medicine Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Industrial and Systems Engineering M S I SY E | MS I SY E | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Industrial and Systems Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Industrial and Systems Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Management of Technology M S M O T | MS MOT | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Management of Technology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Materials Science and Engineering M Mat S E | M Mat S E | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Materials Science and Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Materials Science and Engineering MS Mat S E | MS Mat S E | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Materials Science and Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Mathematics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Mathematics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Mathematics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Mechanical Engineering M S M E | MS M E | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Mechanical Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Mechanical Engineering Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Medical Device Innovation | MS | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Neuroengineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Physics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Physics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Physics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Robotics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Robotics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Security Technologies M S S T | MS S T | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Security Technologies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSE | Software Engineering M S S E | MS S E | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Stream Restoration Science and Engineering Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Technology Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSE | Water, Energy, and Materials Circularity Post-baccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Accountancy M.Acc. | M Acc | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Applied Business Analytics M A B A | M A B A | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Administration M B A | M B A | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Administration Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Administration Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Analytics M S | MS | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Analytics Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Management Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Research M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | CSOM | Business Taxation M B T | M B T | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Closely-Held Business Taxation Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Corporate Financial Management Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Doctor of Business Administration D B A | D BusAdmn | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Entrepreneurship & Innovation Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Finance M S | MS | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | High Net-Worth Individual Taxation Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Human Resources and Industrial Relations M H R I R | M H R I R | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | International Taxation Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Leadership for Managers Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Management Science M B A | M B A | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Marketing M MKTG | M MKTG | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Master of Global Management M G M | M G M | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Medical Industry Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Strategic Management Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Strategic Marketing Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Supply Chain Management for the Medical and Health Sector Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Supply Chain Management M S | MS | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Sustainable Environmental, Social and Governance Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Tax Executive Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | CSOM | Taxation Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Chief Resident General Practice Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Dental Hygiene M S D H | MS D H | graduate |
UMNTC | Dent | Dental Therapy M D T | M D T | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Dentistry D D S | D D S | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Dentistry M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Dent | Endodontics Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | General Practice Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Maxillofacial Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery Fllwshp Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Oral Biology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Dent | Oral Biology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Dent | Oral Biology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Dent | Oral Health Educator Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Oral Health Services for Older Adults Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Orofacial Pain Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Orthodontics Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Pediatric Dentistry Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Periodontics Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Dent | Prosthodontics Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Additional Licensure | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Adult Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Adult Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Adult Literacy Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Advanced Practices in Second Language Teaching Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Applied Child and Adolescent Development M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Autism Spectrum Disorder Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Child Life and Pediatric Psychosocial Care MS C L P P C | MS CLPPC | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Clinical Physiology and Movement Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Clinical Physiology and Movement Science Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Curriculum and Instruction M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Developmental Psychology M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Developmental Psychology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Developmental Psychology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Disability Policy and Services Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Dual Language and Immersion Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Early Care and Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Early Childhood Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Education, Curriculum and Instruction M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Education, Curriculum and Instruction Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Education, Curriculum and Instruction Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Educational Psychology M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Educational Psychology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Educational Psychology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Educational Psychology Specialist Certificate in Education and School Psychological Services | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Educational Psychology Specialist Certificate in Education and Special Education | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Family Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Family Social Science M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Family Social Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Family Social Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Human Resource Development M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Human Resource Development Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Graduate Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Infant and Early Childhood Mental Hlth Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Integrative Leadership Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | International Education Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Interpersonal Relationships Research Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | K-12 Technology Integration Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Kinesiology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Kinesiology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Kinesiology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Leadership in Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Learning Analytics Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Learning and Talent Development M L T D | M L T D | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Learning Sciences Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Literacy Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Multimedia Design and Development Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Online Distance Learning Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Ed D | EdD | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Parent and Family Education Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Parent Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Physical Activity and Health M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | PK-12 Administration Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Prevention Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Private College Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Professional Development Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Program Evaluation Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Program Evaluation Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Social Work M S W | M S W | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Social Work Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Sociocultural Studies in Education Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Special Education Initial License M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Special Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Special Education Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Specialist in Education and General Education Administration Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Sport and Exercise Science M Ed Major | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Sport Management M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Sport Management M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Sport Management Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | EHD | Talent Development and Gifted Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Teaching M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Teaching Writing and Critical Literacy Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Undergraduate Multicultural Teaching and Learning Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Work and Human Resource Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | EHD | Youth Development Leadership M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Development Practice M D P | M D P | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Development Practice Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | HSPA | Early Childhood Policy Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Election Administration Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Human Rights M H R | M H R | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Human Services Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Nonprofit Management Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Policy Issues on Work and Pay Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Public Affairs Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Public Affairs M P A | M P A | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Public Affairs Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | HSPA | Public Policy M P P | M P P | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Public Policy Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | HSPA | Science, Technology and Environmental Policy M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | HSPA | Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | HSPA | Sustainable Environmental, Social and Governance Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Urban and Regional Planning M U R P | M U R P | professional |
UMNTC | HSPA | Urban and Regional Planning Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Law | Business Law LL M | LL M | professional |
UMNTC | Law | Juridical Science S J D | SJD | graduate |
UMNTC | Law | Law J D | J D | professional |
UMNTC | Law | Law LL M | LL M | professional |
UMNTC | Law | Law Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Law | Master of Science Patent Law | MS P L | professional |
UMNTC | Law | Patent Law LL M | LL M | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Academic General Pediatrics Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Addiction Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Adult Reconstruction/Trauma Track Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Adult Reconstructive Orthopaedics Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Advanced Interventional Cardiology and Research Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Advanced Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Advanced Neuroradiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Advanced Training Year Fellowship in Advanced Hematology and Oncology Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Allergy & Immunology Residency Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Anesthesia Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Anesthesiology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Bariatric Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Biomedical Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Blood and Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapies Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Brain Injury Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Breast Imaging Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Cardiovascular and Thoracic Transplant Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Child Neurology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Clinical Informatics Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Clinical Molecular Genetics Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Colon & Rectal Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Congenital Cardiac Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Cornea, External Diseases & Refractory Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Cytogenetics Pathology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Cytopathology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Dermato-allergology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Dermatology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Epilepsy Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Fairview/MOSMI Sports Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - Mankato Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - Methodist Hospital Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - North Memorial Hospital Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - St. Cloud Hospital Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - St. John's Hospital Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - University of Minnesota Medical Center Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine - Woodwinds Hospital Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Medicine Rural Training Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Family Planning Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Fellowship in Clinical Chemistry Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | FMED Duluth Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | FMED Research Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | FMED/Psychiatry Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Gastroenterology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Gastroenterology-Advanced ERCP/EUS Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Genitourinary Trauma and Reconstruction Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Geriatric Orthopedic Trauma Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Global Breast Cancer Fellowship Cancer | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Glomerular Disease and Vasculitis Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital Rural Family Medicine Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Hand Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Healthcare Administration, Leadership, and Management Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Hematology Research Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Hematopathology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | History of Science, Technology and Medicine M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | History of Science, Technology and Medicine Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | History of Science, Technology and Medicine Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Infectious Disease Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Integrated Biosciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Integrated Orthopaedic Surgery/Neurosurgery Spine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Integrated Vascular Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Integrative Biology and Physiology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Integrative Biology and Physiology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Integrative Biology and Physiology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Internal Medicine Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Internal Medicine/Dermatology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Interventional Pulmonology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Interventional Radiology - Independent Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Interventional Radiology - Integrated Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Interventional Radiology Independent Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Laboratory Genetics and Genomics Fellowship | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Lung Transplant Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Mastery in General Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Medical & Surgical Vitreoretinal Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Medical Physics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Medical Physics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Medical School Psychology Internship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Medicine M D | M D | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Fellowship Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Minimally Invasive Colon & Rectal Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Movement Disorders Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Multiple Sclerosis Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Musculoskeletal and Emergence Radiation Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Musculoskeletal Radiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Nephrology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuroanatomy Research Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neurocritical Care Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuroimaging (PET) Scan Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neurological Surgery Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neurology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuromodulation Medicine Fellowship | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuromuscular Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuro-Ophthalmology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuropathology Fellowship | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuroradiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Neuroscience M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Neuroscience Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Neuroscience Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Neurotology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Nuclear Radiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Ophthalmology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Orthopedic Sports Medicine Fellowship | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Orthopedic Surgery Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Orthopedic Trauma Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Orthoptics Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Otolaryngology Ph D Otol | PhD Otol | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Otolaryngology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pain Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pathology - Anatomic & Clinical Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Fellowship Program Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Gasteroenterology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Obesity Medicine Fellowship | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Radiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Rehabilitation Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric Rheumatology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatric/Strabismus Ophthalmology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pediatrics Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Physical Therapy D P T | D PhysTher | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Poly Trauma Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Post-Prof Fellowship in Geriatric Physical Therapy Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Psychiatry Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Psychosomatic Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Pulmonary Disease & Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Radiation Oncology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Radiology-Diagnostic Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Rehabilitation Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Rehabilitation Science Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Rheumatology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Schizophrenia Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Sports Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Stem Cell Biology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Stem Cell Biology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Structural Heart Diseases and Advanced Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Surgery M S Surg | MS Surg | graduate |
UMNTC | Med | Surgery Preliminary Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Surgery Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Surgical Pathology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Thoracic Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Thoracoabdominal Radiology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Transplant Hepatology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Transplant Infectious Diseases Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Transplant Nephrology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Urologic Oncology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Urology Residency Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | VA Clinical Chief Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Vascular Medicine and Peripheral Vascular Catheter-based Interventions Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Vascular Neurology Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Vascular Surgery Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Med | Wound Medicine Fellowship Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Adult Health/Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Adult/Gerontological Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Post-Graduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Adult/Gerontological Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Postgraduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Doctor of Nursing Practice D N P | DNP | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Health Care Design and Innovation Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching M A | MA | graduate |
UMNTC | Nursing | Integrative Therapies & Healing Practices Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Nursing | Integrative Therapies & Healing Practices Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Leadership in Health Info Tech for Health Professionals Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Master of Nursing M N | MN | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Nurse Midwifery Postgraduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Nursing Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Nursing | Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist Postgraduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care Postgraduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care Postgraduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Population Health Informatics & Technology Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Postgraduate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Nursing | Women's Health/Gender Related Nurse Practitioner Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Biomedical Laboratory Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Medical Laboratory Sciences M M L S | M M L S | professional |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Medicinal Chemistry M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Medicinal Chemistry Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Occupational Therapy O T D | OTD | professional |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Pharmaceutics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Pharmaceutics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Pharmaceutics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Pharmacy Pharm D | Pharm D | professional |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Social and Administrative Pharmacy M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Social and Administrative Pharmacy Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pharmacy | Social and Administrative Pharmacy Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | American Indian Public Health and Wellness Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | American Indian Public Health and Wellness Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Applied Biostatistics Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Biostatistics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Biostatistics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Biostatistics Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Climate Change and Health Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Clinical Research M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Clinical Research Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Community Health Promotion M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Environmental Health M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Environmental Health M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Environmental Health Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Environmental Health Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Epidemiology M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Epidemiology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Epidemiology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Epidemiology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Gerontology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Global Health Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Global Public Health Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Health Care Administration M H A | M H A | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Health Equity Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Health Services Research, Policy and Administration M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Health Services Research, Policy and Administration Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Health Services Research, Policy and Administration Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Healthcare Management Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Maternal and Child Health M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Occupational Hygiene M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Occupational Hygiene Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Administration and Policy M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Core Concepts Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Data Science M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Data Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Food Protection Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Nutrition M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Practice M P H | M P H | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Public Health Preparedness, Response and Recovery Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | Pub Health | Sexual Health Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | UMR Chance | Bioinformatics and Computational Biology M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | UMR Chance | Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNTC | UMR Chance | Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | VMed | Clinical Training Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | VMed | Comparative and Molecular Biosciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | VMed | Comparative and Molecular Biosciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNTC | VMed | Foreign Graduate Training Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | VMed | Poultry Health Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | VMed | Swine Medicine Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | VMed | Veterinary Medical Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNTC | VMed | Veterinary Medicine D V M | D V M | professional |
UMNTC | VMed | Veterinary Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNTC | VMed | Veterinary Sciences Ph D | PhD | graduate |
UMNDL | Bus/Econ | Business Administration M B A | M B A | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | American Indian Studies Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | CAHSS | English Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Indigenous Environmental Systems and Economics Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Linguistics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Music M M | M M | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Professional Studies in Multidisciplinary Research & Creativity M P S | M P S | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Tribal Administration and Governance M T A G | M T A G | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Tribal Administration and Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Tribal Natural Resource Stewardship, Economics, and Law Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship M T R E S | M T R E S | professional |
UMNDL | CAHSS | Tribal Sovereignty and Federal Indian Law Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | DMED | Medicine M D | M D | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Communication Science and Disorders M A | MA | graduate |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Community College Teaching Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Education M Ed | M Ed | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Environmental Education M E Ed | M E Ed | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Environmental Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Psychological Science M A | MA | graduate |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Social Work | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Social Work M S W | M S W | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Teaching and Learning Ed D | EdD | professional |
UMNDL | Ed/Hum Srv | Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate | certificate | professional |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Applied Materials Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Chemical Engineering M S Ch E | MS Ch E | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Chemistry M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Chemistry Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Civil Engineering M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Computer Science M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Computer Science Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Earth and Environmental Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Earth Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Earth Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Electrical Engineering M S E E | MS E E | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Electrical Engineering Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Environmental Health and Safety M Env Hlth Sa | MEnvHlthSa | professional |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Integrated Biosciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Integrated Biosciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Master of Engineering M Eng | M Eng | professional |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Mathematical Sciences M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Mathematical Sciences Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Mechanical Engineering M S M E | MS M E | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Physics M S | MS | graduate |
UMNDL | Sci/Eng | Physics Minor | minor | graduate |
UMNDL | UMD-Acad A | Water Resources Science Minor | minor | graduate |